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Sky View Middle School


Announcements for Month of April 2017

Updated with all of Sky View's Latest Student Announcements

Article Date: Apr 28, 2017

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Friday announcements:

  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place today, April 28th, and next Monday, May 1st. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • Attention all National Jr Honor Society Inductees: There is a mandatory NJHS meeting next Tuesday, May 2nd, in the library during 1st lunch. Bring your lunch directly to the library. Your invitation letter you received from Mrs. La Duca or Mrs. Henry is your hall pass. Your attendance at this meeting is required. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. La Duca or Mrs. Henry.
  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch on Wednesdays. Hope to see you there!
  • The 2017 Youth Camp at Central Oregon Community College for students ages 10-14 begins June 26th. If interested, check out the poster on our community board.
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • Remember to check the fines list to see if you have any outstanding fines or fees that need to be paid. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office. 8th Graders...remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th grade celebration.
  • Students, next week, May 1st - 5th, is Teacher Appreciation Week. Be sure to let your teachers know how much you appreciate all they do for YOU!!!

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Wednesday announcements:

  • Attention All students: Remember to check the fines lists posted outside the main office to see if you have outstanding fines or fee that need to be paid. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office. 8th Graders...remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th grade celebration.
  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch today and every Wednesday. Hope to see you!
  • The Sky View track team has a meet tomorrow, April 27th, at Cascade Middle School. Field events start at 3:30 and running events start at 4:00. Come out and support our athletes!
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place this Friday, April 28th, and next Monday, May 1st. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • The 2017 Youth Camp at Central Oregon Community College for students ages 10-14 begins June 26th. If interested, check out the poster on our community board.

Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Here are your Monday announcements:

  • Attention All Students: Remember to check the fines lists posted outside the main office to see if you have outstanding fines or fees that need to be paid. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office. 8th Graders...remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th grade celebration.
  • Teen Muse Club meets tomorrow and every Tuesday in room 105 during 2nd lunch. See you there!
  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch on Wednesdays. Hope to see you!
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place this Friday, April 28th, and next Monday, May 1st. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • The 2017 Youth Camp at Central Oregon Community College for students ages 10-14 begins June 26th. If interested, check out the poster on our community board.
  • Today our lunch special is Teriyaki Beef Sandwich. Tomorrow is Chicken Tortilla Soup & Cheese Quesadilla. Wednesday is French Toast Bar & Sausage Links. Thursday is Orange Popcorn Chicken & Chocolate Cake. Friday is Chicken Bowtie Pasta with Alfredo Sauce.

Thank you and have a great week!

Friday, April 21st, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Friday announcements:

  • Today is the Sky View social. It will take place at the end of the day. Bring money to buy snacks and drinks and be ready to have fun!
  • During the social, Mrs. Robbins would like you to pop in to the library for a book selfie. See Mrs. Robbins for details.
  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch on Wednesdays. Hope to see you there!
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • Summit High’s Theatre Department will perform “Holes” through this Sunday, the 23rd. For cost and specific dates and times, see the flyer posted on our community board outside the main office.
  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place at the end of this month. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • The 2017 Youth Camp at Central Oregon Community College for students ages 10-14 begins June 26th. If interested, check out the poster on our community board.
  • All students, remember to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. Each list is by grade and student ID number. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office. 8th Graders...remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th grade celebration.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Wednesday announcements:

  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch on Wednesdays. Hope to see you!
  • This Friday is the Sky View social. It will take place at the end of the day. Bring money to buy snacks and drinks and be ready to have fun!
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • Summit High’s Theatre Department will perform “Holes” tomorrow, the 20th - Sunday, the 23rd. For cost and specific dates and times, see the flyer posted on our community board outside the main office.
  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place at the end of this month. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • The 2017 Youth Camp at Central Oregon Community College for students ages 10-14 begins June 26th. If interested, check out the poster on our community board.
  • All students, remember to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. Each list is by grade and student ID number. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office. 8th Graders...remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th grade celebration.

Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Here are your Monday announcements:

  • Teen Muse Club meets every Tuesday in room 105 during 2nd lunch. See you there!
  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch on Wednesdays. Hope to see you!
  • This Friday is the Sky View social. It will take place at the end of the day. Bring money to buy snacks and drinks and be ready to have fun!
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • Summit High’s Theatre Department will perform “Holes” this Thursday, the 20th - Sunday, the 23rd. For cost and specific dates and times, see the flyer posted on our community board outside the main office.
  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place at the end of this month. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • All students, remember to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. Each list is by grade and student ID number. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office.
  • Today our lunch special is Chicken Noodle Soup & Toasted Cheese. Tomorrow is Grilled Stuffed Burrito. Wednesday is Breakfast Stromboli with Hash Brown. Thursday is Teriyaki Chicken. Friday is Parmesan Chicken & Spaghetti.

Thank you and have a great week!

Friday, April 14th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Friday announcements:

  • Attention artists and comic fans: There is a new Comics Club that takes place every Friday in the Library during 2nd lunch. Do you enjoy drawing, creating comics, or reading comics? If so, come on down.
  • Please join the Anti-Bullying Club! Come help us continue making Sky View a safe, welcoming place for ALL! Mrs. South's room, 203, 2nd lunch on Wednesdays. Hope to see you!
  • Attention 8th Graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow as soon as possible. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • All students, be sure to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton. 8th Graders… remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th Grade Celebration.
  • MVHS Dance Team Tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place at the end of this month. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Wednesday announcements:

  • Attention National Junior Honor Society Candidates: All applications and community service hours are due on or before tomorrow, Thursday, April 13th. Please turn in your information to Mrs. La Duca and Mrs. Henry.
  • Attention artists and comics fans: There is a new Comics Club that takes place every Friday in the Library during 2nd lunch. Do you enjoy drawing, creating comics, or reading comics? If so, come on down.
  • Attention 8th graders: Remind your parents to donate to the 8th Grade Celebration and submit your photos for the slideshow. Details can be found on the Sky View website.
  • All students, remember to check the fines lists posted on the windows outside the main office. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office. 8th Graders… remember that all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the celebration.
  • MVHS Dance Team tryouts for 2017-2018 will take place at the end of this month. If interested, detailed flyers are available in the main office.
  • Congratulations Corey Cleveland and Maya Vierra! You are the March BoxTop winners. Please pick up your prize in the main office.

Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

Monday, April 10th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Here are your Monday announcements:

  • Be the Change Club is cancelled today.
  • Teen Muse Club meets every Tuesday in room 105 during 2nd lunch. See you there!
  • Attention National Junior Honor Society Candidates: All applications and community service hours are due on or before this Thursday, April 13th. Please turn in your information to Mrs. La Duca or Mrs. Henry.
  • Attention artists and comics fans: There is a new Comics Club that takes place every Friday in the Library during 2nd lunch. Do you enjoy drawing, creating comics, or reading comics? If so, come on down.
  • Attention all wrestlers: Please turn in your uniforms to Mr. Jones ASAP. Fines will be added today.
  • Summit High’s Theatre Department will perform “Holes” April 20th – 23rd. For cost and specific dates and times, see the flyer posted on our community board outside the main office.
  • All students, don’t forget to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. Each list is by grade and student ID number. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office.
  • Today our lunch special is Pineapple Curry Chicken. Tomorrow is Shrimp & Sausage Jambalaya. Wednesday is Homemade Biscuits & Gravy with Hash Brown. Thursday is Katsu Popcorn Chicken with Brown Rice. Friday is Italian Stromboli.

Thank you and have a great week!

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Friday announcements:

  • Attention artists and comic fans: There is a new Comics Club that takes place every Friday in the Library during 2nd lunch. Do you enjoy drawing, creating comics, or reading comics? If so, come on down.
  • Attention all wrestlers: Please turn in your uniforms ASAP to Mr. Jones. Fines will be added on Monday, April 10th.
  • Attention National Junior Honor Society Candidates: All applications and community service hours are due on or before Thursday, April 13th. Please turn in your information to Mrs. La Duca or Mrs. Henry.
  • Attention all students: The fines and fees lists posted outside the main office have all been updated. Be sure to check and see if you’re on a list. 8th Graders… remember all outstanding fines and fees must be cleared prior to the 8th Grade Celebration. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Here are your Wednesday announcements:

  • Hey Sky View! Remember that the Green team meets every Wednesday in room 206. See you today at 10:30 and please bring a sack lunch.
  • Tomorrow evening, April 6th, is our Spring Band Concert in the Mountain View Auditorium at 7:00pm. Come out and support our band! Hope to see you there!
  • Summit High’s Theatre Department will perform “Holes” April 20th – 23rd. For cost and specific dates and times, see the flyer posted on our community board outside the main office.
  • All students, don’t forget to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. Each list is by grade and student ID number. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office.

Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Good morning Falcons! Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Here are your Monday announcements:

  • Track practice begins today immediately after school. Athletes, please go to the locker room to dress down right after 8th period and meet your team in the cafeteria.
  • Be the change club meets today, and every Monday, first lunch in Mrs. Henry's room.
  • Teen Muse Club meets every Tuesday in room 105 during 2nd lunch. See you there!
  • Hey Sky View! Remember that the Green team meets every Wednesday in room 206. See you this Wednesday at 10:30 and please bring a sack lunch.
  • This coming Thursday evening, April 6th, is our Spring Band Concert in the Mountain View Auditorium beginning at 7:00pm. Come out and support our band! Hope to see you there!
  • Summit High’s Theatre Department will perform “Holes” April 20th – 23rd. For cost and specific dates and times, see the flyer posted on our community board outside the main office.
  • All students, don’t forget to check the fines lists posted outside the main office. Each list is by grade and student ID number. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sutton in the main office.
  • Today our lunch special is Toasted Ham & Cheese with Tater Tots. Tomorrow is White Bean Chicken Chili and Cheese Quesadilla. Wednesday is Homemade Cinnamon Roll and Link Sausage. Thursday is Sweet & Sour Chicken with Brown Rice. Friday is Baked Beef Ziti with Italian Bread Stick.

Thank you and have a great week!