Realms Middle School
Grades 1-12: January 2 to January 24, 2025
A current enrollment into Bend-La Pine Schools for the school year requested is required. For more information please visit our Enrollment webpage and Choice Options webpage.
Realms Middle School is a magnet school in Bend-La Pine Schools serving 150 sixth through eighth grade students who seek a school where academically rigorous curriculum meets active pedagogy. Our expanded definition of student achievement, drawn from our work with EL Education, goes far beyond the traditional mastery of knowledge and skills. At Realms Middle School, students become young adults of character who possess the ability to produce high quality work through a curriculum that focuses on real-world, inter-disciplinary, and problem-based learning, frequent fieldwork and authentic stewardship/service.
At Realms Middle School, our mission is to foster scholarship, strengthen community, and inspire stewardship through active learning.
Through our work with Expeditionary Learning, and drawing from our friends at Deeper Learning, we have defined the traits of a Realms Middle School graduate. Realms Middle School students will:
Realms Middle School is a part of the EL Education national network (formerly Expeditionary Learning).
EL Education is a national organization dedicated to unlocking the highest potential of teachers so that their students can achieve more than they ever thought possible.
EL Education schools pursue rigorous and engaging curriculum while building motivation, persistence, and compassion so that students become not just test ready, but future ready!
Check out our EL Education Portfolio here.
If you are interested in applying for a spot on the 6th grade interest list for 2024/25 please review the Choice Options webpage for detailed information on the application process.
Join us for one of our INFO NIGHTS for prospective families. Who should attend? Anyone interested in learning more about Realms Magnet School for the 2023/24 school year. We strongly encourage families (this includes students!) who are interested in entering the enrollment lottery at Realms Middle School to attend one of these meetings.
20730 Brinson Blvd
Bend, OR 97701
Brave Scholars,
Engaged Citizens and
Caring Community Members
…all through active learning
2024-2025 School Year
If you wish to be put onto the Interest List for Realms Middle School during the current 2024-25 school year, please contact the school directly.
Learn how to apply, upcoming parent tour dates and more at our Area Change Request website..
If you are out-of-district, please review the Inter-District Transfers website for more information.
Office Hours:
School Hours:
Students may not enter the building until 8:20 a.m.
Learn more about safe routes to your school from Commute Options
For information on volunteering guidelines and how to register to become a school volunteer - please visit our volunteer webpage.
Are you interested in Realms EL Education High School? Please see their webpage for information.
Parents: Please be sure that you update your address, email and phone numbers by logging into ParentVUE.
Each year the Oregon Department of Education provides:
Learn your school's immunization rates here.
Additional immunization information available here.
Find annual statewide reports, notices, testing and opt out information by visiting our Oregon Department of Education Resources website.