Bend-La Pine Schools, the second largest employer in Central Oregon, is currently hiring for a wide range of classified staff positions that offer competitive wages, excellent benefits and a variety o... (more)
All Students Welcome at Locations Throughout Bend, La Pine
Jun 22, 2017
Press release: Bend-La Pine Schools is kicking off its free summer meal program on Monday, June 26 at several locations throughout Bend and La Pine. Children age 0-18 can eat healthy, tasty meals for ... (more)
June 1, all dayOutdoor Adventure Day at La Pine High School Students in kindergarten through fifth grade will learn about fish, birds, plants, animals, ecology, outdoor recreation and safety from the... (more)
- LaPine Schools is starting a new EL Education (formerly Expeditionary
Learning) high school that will provide a continuation of the kind of
education that has made REALMS a successful and... (more)