REALMS is a magnet school within Bend-La Pine Schools and follows the same process for enrollment as other magnet schools within the District. We will be enrolling approximately 52 new 6th grade... (more)
Check Out Stories From Seven Outstanding Classified Staff Members
Feb 22, 2016
The week of March 7-11 is Classified Staff Appreciation Week. Bend-La Pine Schools has a lot to be thankful for when it comes to classified staff. Our support staff provides a wide range of services. ... (more)
More than 300 Pieces of Award-Winning Art on Display at COCC Feb. 6-24
Jan 27, 2016
Local Art Students Honored by Scholastic Public invited to see more than 300 award-winning works beginning Feb. 6 Four Bend-La Pine Schools art students have earned the top honors in the local S... (more)
For more details about REALMS, you can visit
Jan 24, 2016
Please excuse our digital transition!Our Bend LaPine website is still under construction. The best source of information about our program, current events, enrollment etc can be found at:www.friendsof... (more)
Update: Positions filledBend-La Pine Schools Seeks Budget Committee Members Applications for the volunteer spots due Jan. 29 Bend-La Pine Schools is looking for interested volunteers to join the... (more)