Realms Middle School
Dear REALMS Parents,
We are looking forward to a fabulous 2017-18 school year! This Back to School Information page should get you started, and we will be updating it in the 1st week of August with additional details.
We encourage ALL our families, (new and returning) to join us for the annual Back to School Ice Cream Social - it is a great way to get information and get excited about the coming year!
We are thrilled to welcome some new faces to our team at REALMS. As some of you know, Molly Grove has moved to Driggs, Idaho to teach high school science, AND the Bend LaPine School District has asked us to plan a new EL Education high school to start up in Fall of 2018. This has created a some openings at REALMS, and here's who we are are excited to have join us:
JAKE ZYWICKE will be teaching 6th grade science and 6th and 7th grade technology.
Jake is a former raft guide and ski patroller, an avid kayaker and a passionate science teacher. Jake joins us from Crook County Middle School where he taught 8th grade science, math and health. He is excited about REALMS style "hands on - minds on" learning and is looking forward to meeting you all!
KELLY BECK will be joining our office staff as a secretary (Jennifer is not leaving!).
Kelly is a former classroom teacher and is joining us from her past position as Education specialist for the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council where she led students on watershed related fieldwork outings and coordinated outreach events and fundraising. Kelly is a talented artist with a big smile and we are excited for her help in our office (8am - 1pm each day).
The REALMS school calendar is quite similar to the rest of the District middle schools HOWEVER there are a few exceptions that we want you to be aware of! Because REALMS is an EL Education school, our teachers are required to participate in a couple of additional non-contact days each year dedicated to teacher training and collaborative curriculum design. Our Student Led Conferences are also scheduled on different days than the neighborhood middle schools.
Download the 2017-18 Major Dates Calendar here
ALSO, please know that the BEST way to stay up to date on events at REALMS is to use the detailed live calendar on our website... we will be updating it with MANY events, fieldwork dates, and more in early August - stay tuned.
7:30am - Town Hall is open for breakfast and early arrivers
8:05am - Breakfast closed
8:15am - AM Classes start
11:30 - Lunch
12:15 - PM Classes start
3:15pm - Classes end (1:15pm on Wednesdays)
3:30pm - Pick Up Complete - all students are picked up or on bus (except after school program students)
students may ride Bend LaPine school buses! There are special bus
routes from each neighborhood middle school to REALMS in the mornings.
This means you may ride your neighborhood bus in the morning to your
nearest middle school and then catch a "shuttle bus" from there to
REALMS. A similar system works in reverse at the end of each day
when students can ride a bus from REALMS to Amity Creek Elementary
School where they can then transfer to buses that head to neighborhoods
in the NW, NE, SW, and SE parts of town. This system of buses is
designed to serve kids at magnet schools and TAG programs.
The District has not yet posted the exact magnet/TAG shuttle schedules for this year, however you may contact Janelle Bennett Gossett at the transportation office for more information or contact transportation directly at 541-355-5700. Their web page is:
Here is the SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST for the year. Please let us know if you have any trouble with finding or paying for these items. We are always here to help!
REALMS one and only sports team is entering it's 6th year - go Redtails!
Optional early practices will begin the week of August 14th and then once the school year begins, practices will be held Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays after school. Runners must attend at least 3 practices/week in order to run in the meets.
Coach: Laurie Rice. Contact Laurie by email with any questions!
Sign Up and Payment:
Parents of students wishing to participate in cross country will register using REALMS' FamilyID PageREALMS' FamilyID Page.
FamilyID is a secure, user-friendly online registration platform that
streamlines the application process and allows parents to enter
information once for multiple family members and athletic teams. Payment can be made through the InTouch system.
Don't be alarmed if you notice that our Family ID sign up page is connected to Three Rivers School... we are sharing their page! Once you have signed up you will be directed to the payment page, again, through the Bend LaPine School District.
Sport Physicals Required:
6th and 7th graders must have a sports physical form dated after May 1st, 2017 while 8th graders must have a sports physical form dated after May 1st, 2016
Please complete the top sheet with your medical provider and return to Jennifer in the main office before the first day of practice.
Click here for sports physical form.
Optional Pre-Season Fun Runs Starting SOON in Shevlin Park:
Coach Laurie offers some pre-season running opportunities to help those who want to get in shape and meet other team members and REALMS kids! All pre-season fun runs will be at Shevlin Park. We will meet in the
parking lot closest to the road and leave for the run right on time.
Bring water, appropriate running shoes and a watch/timekeeper if you
have it!!
Fri, Aug 11th @ 8am; Tues, Aug 15th @ 8am; TBD; Sun, Aug 27th @ 7pm;
Tues, Aug 29th @ 7pm; Thurs, Aug 31 @ 7pm; Sat, Sept 2nd @ 8am; Mon, Sept 4th @ 8am
These optional fun runs are just that... optional and fun! If you plan to attend some or all of these runs, we DO ask that you SIGN UP for the xc team using the Family ID link so that we have your emergency contact info and any health info BEFORE you start running with Laurie!
Regular Season Practices and Meets:
Actual practices start after school on Thursday, Sept 7th. Practices run from 3:30 - 4:30 on the REALMS campus Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There will be a run on Thursday am at Confluence for 7th and 8th graders. The meet schedule is still being developed.
Homework Support & Tutoring:
Offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays only from 3:15 - 4:30pm. Drop in is fine. $5 fee per session appreciated but NOT required. You can pay before or after using this link on our Friends of REALMS site.
Bend Endurance Academy - Fll Mountain Biking Session:
BEA offers some great programs all year long at REALMS that include excellent coaching and van pick up from REALMS at the end of the day! The first session is Mountain Biking on Tuesdays. The BEA van picks up kids at REALMS at 3:00pm and the program finishes at the BEA office at 6:00pm. All the details, AND registration, can be found at the BEA website
Leadership - 7th & 8th Grade Only for Fall Semester:
Todd LaFrenz and Amy Anderson are once again offering their Leadership program after school on Thursdays. Get more information and sign up here on the After School Programs page Friends of REALMS website.
Magic - The Gathering:
Eli Seemann will once again be offering the popular Magic (the card game) club after school. No experience is necessary, just an adventurous spirit and a desire to play the game with a bunch of other like minded middle schoolers. Mondays from 3:15 - 4:30. Get more information and sign up here on the After School Programs page Friends of REALMS website.
Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe Courses:
1. Tumalo Creek is offering a three week Intro to Paddleboarding class on Tuesdays starting September 12th.The
SUP after school program will be a three-week progression to teach the
fundamentals of flatwater paddleboard strokes and maneuvers. In
addition, students will learn about river safety, stewardship/etiquette
and the various disciplines available in
paddleboarding today (eg. surfing, whitewater, racing, etc). TCKC will pick up students from REALMS at 3:15pm and the program ends AT TCKC at 5:15 pm. Contact Sue Fox at TCKC with any questions. 541-317-4907. Cost: $80.00 Register through TCKC right HERE
2. Tumalo Creek is ALSO offering a six week Intro to Whitewater Kayaking class on Wednesdays starting September 20th. Get a safe and fun introduction to whitewater paddling with a progression from flatwater all the way through a final culmination day trip on a class II stretch of the Lower Deschutes on Monday October 16th. Each day will be spent building the skills needed for the final river trip day. TCKC van will pick up students each Wednesday after school at 1:15pm and the program will end at TCKC at 3:15pm. September 20th, 27th, October 4th and 11th. The final river day will be 9am - 4pm on Monday October 16th (no school day). Sue Fox at TCKC with any questions. 541-317-4907.Cost: $80. Register through TCKC right here.
at REALMS is funded entirely through our fundraising efforts. Amy
Anderson directs our robust fundraising program, and she has put
together a short but compelling document "Small School Big Ideas"
that summarizes what you can expect in terms of fieldwork for your
student this year, AND how our fundraising program makes this all
One of the first ways we make this happen is by asking all of our families to make a beginning of the year "Parent Fieldwork Contribution". This contribution is NOT required for participation, however we do ask you to PLEASE consider making your Parent Fieldwork Contribution right away at whatever level you can. The suggested fieldwork contribution is tiered by grade.
Make your Parent Fieldwork Contribution online here.
Download “Small School, Big Ideas" to learn more about fieldwork and fundraising at REALMS
Stay tuned for more details and highlights from the Friends of REALMS board!
What Is Confluence?
Speaking of fieldwork.... our first fieldwork outing is dedicated to character and community, and is called Confluence. Confluence is a an awesome start of the year trip geared towards forming friendships between students of all grades, and to building HOW's and HOCC's (Habits of Work and Habits of Community) that will be the foundation for an fabulous year of academic and personal growth for our students!
Important Trip Dates:
August 15th - ALL forms due for trip (Permission form, Fieldwork Med Form & Media Release)
August 30th - Required volunteer meeting for trip volunteers at REALMS (5:30-6:30pm)
August 31st - ALL Medication DUE (includes over the counter (OTC) and
Prescription Medication
**must be turned into the office in
original prescription bottle with exact script information.*** Please do
not send unmarked pills in ziplock bags or other random unmarked
containers. REALMS staff can not deviate from scrip unless accompanied
with doctor's note.
September 13 - 7th & 8th graders depart for trip
September 14 - 6th graders depart for trip
September 15 - all classes return together (ready for 3:15pm pick up)
Where is Confluence?
Suttle Lake Camp
How Do I Prepare For Confluence?
Parents - PLEASE Read This CAREFULLY!
Step 1: Complete the Confluence Permission Form and the Fieldwork Med Form (for medical, allergy and dietary info) and the REALMS Media Release no later than August 15th please! This is a critical step and must be completed by ALL STUDENTS, including returning students.
Step 2: Download and read the PARENT INFO PACKET, including packing list
Can Parents Volunteer?
YES! We need parent helpers. Click on the Confluence Permission Form above for more volunteer info!
AT REALMS we'll be rolling iPads back out to students EARLY in the school year (possibly on the 1st day) so it is important that parents prepare for this by:
1. Purchasing your annual iPad insurance online HERE
2. Downloading, reading (WITH your son/daughter, and signing the Acceptable Use Agreement (and in Spanish)
Please bring the signed Use Agreement and we suggest you bring "proof" of your insurance on the 1st day of school!
At REALMS we use ParentVue as our communication system for many things, including grades and academic progress reports, but also for contact info and emergency contact info. This system allow YOU to make edits to your contact information and to add to set preferences for communication. You can access the system at these links:
Don't have a ParentVue Account or Forgot Your Log In?
If you have not used ParentVue before (for example, some elementary school families) please email Jennifer Scalley in our office ASAP and she will send you the "activation key" you need to set up an account.
Have an account but have forgotten the log in information?
Again, email or call our office and we can help!
Please be sure your email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information in ParentVue are CORRECT and UP TO DATE!
More info about ParentVue can be found on our District website here: