Bend-La Pine Schools students are currently engaged in dozens of projects throughout our schools aimed at giving back to those in need. From collecting food to creating Kindness Kits to gathering wint... (more)
This year, as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I find myself reflecting upon some of the things for which I am most thankful. Most specifically, I am in awe of the tiny, mostly unseen gesture... (more)
Congratulations MVHS Boys Water Polo Team On State Victory
Nov 16, 2016
Congratulations to the MVHS boys water polo team for taking home their second straight STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! They have won State three out of the last four years. Please congratulate these athletes on ... (more)
Understanding ACT Aspire Results In Three Quick Steps
Nov 15, 2016
All junior and senior students who took the ACT Aspire test last year were provided their testing scores in class on Monday, Nov 14th.CLICK HERE to review a helpful guide that will
assist you in und... (more)
Students, Staff Invited to Wear Colors of Favorite School
Nov 09, 2016
Press Release:Get ready to cheer: College Day is almost here!On Thursday, November 17, thousands of students and staff members in Bend-La Pine Schools will sport college colors to celebrate education ... (more)