Mountain View High School
MVHS has limited PSAT test slots available to 11th grade students on a first come, first serve basis. Testing registration and payment is now open.
Test Registration and Cost:
Registration is $25 per student. Students may register and pay in the Main Office or online through the Bend-La Pine Touchbase website: Online registration closes on Monday, Oct 17th.
Once paid students should visit the Counseling Office to pick up their practice booklet.
Test Date & Location:
The 2016 PSAT Test will be conducted October 19, 2016 at the Christian Life Center (21720 East Highway 20), just past Hamby Road. Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from the testing center.
Testing Times & Supplies:
Students should arrive at the testing site no later than 7:45 am. The test will take about three and a half hours. Please come prepared with several sharp #2 pencils (with good erasers), black or dark blue ink pens, paper, photo identification, and a calculator.
If you have any questions or concerns about PSAT Testing, please contact MVHS PSAT Test Coordinator, Erin Wilkinson at 541-355-4065 or [email protected].
We wish you the best!