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La Pine High School

Career Development and Job Skills

Tools For Students


Building a resume:

The best opportunity to build a resume in BLP schools is to use SchooLinks.

Creating a resume in SchooLinks

Here are some other helpful links:

Letter of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation from counselors, teachers, administrators, coaches and community members can support job hirings, scholarships, and admissions decisions.

  • SchooLink
  • Ask teachers and counselors early. Give at least 3 weeks’ notice.
  • STC/FC and Counselors have “brag sheets” to complete.
  • Provide all writers with activities resume (example here) and some interesting information about you.
  • Letter writing is not easy. It takes time and thought. Don't forget to say thank you.

Career Pathway Ideas

Field Trips, Tours, and Speakers

A variety of field trips and tours are coordinated by the College & Career Center. These are advertised in the school, and on the SchooLinks Calendar. We have the opportunity to visit many different and diverse places in Oregon, such as the Skills Trade Fair, PANAC College Fair, and more.

Career Centers and Classroom speakers are encouraged and promoted in classrooms and are facilitated by the School to Careers Center. We have professionals from all areas come into speak with our students from many different backgrounds.

Trade Schools

Trade Schools are a great alternative to traditional 4-year university. Students interested in the trades should check out degree programs offered by all Oregon community colleges and private trade schools. See link below for a list of trade schools in Oregon.

Careers to Consider


Internships are invaluable. Students have an opportunity to "work" in a company alongside a professional to gain insight into a career and have the opportunity to "try it out". Youth Career Connect helps to develop business/community partnerships where students may apply for a 65 hour internship opportunity in a field of their choice. Most of these internships will be after school with extended hours on Wednesdays.

Internships are great for a students resume and to also help them determine if the college path/major they are pursuing is the right one for them.


Apprenticeships differ from Internships in that they are usually long-term and you are actually being trained for a permanent position. Most internships have been in the Skilled Trades fields in the past, but we are finding that with the growing need of skilled workers, they are expanding to areas such as Computer Science, Coding, etc. Check out the websites below to learn more or stop by the College & Career Center and we would be happy to visit with you. Please check out the PowerPoint presentation below outlining the value of an Apprentice Program.

Apprenticeship Programs Defined

Foreign Exchange/Gap Year

Students interested in a foreign exchange program during high school have many options to consider. Each year our local Rotary Club sends and hosts high school students in their programs. Applications are available in late September for travel in August of the following school year.

Other programs include:

Those considering a Gap Year between high school and college can look at these resources:


For students wishing to go straight from high school into the military, a call to one of our local recruiters is the best place to start. Meetings can be set up in the recruiting office or in the Future Center.

ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Core)

ROTC is offered at some colleges and is designed as officer training, while students are going to college. Once selected for a ROTC program most likely you will be offered either a full or partial scholarship. The ROTC department at the school you plan to attend will have detailed information about post-college commitments.


The Academies offer students a very prestigious education, one that is filled with rigor and regimentation. To admission process is arduous, but worth it, if this is the route for you.