Ensworth Elementary School
Ensworth Elementary is a small neighborhood school located in the northeast section of Bend. Most of our students live within a mile of our beautiful campus and walk or ride to school each day. With approximately seven classrooms serving students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade, we grow together within a tightly knit community. Our students are seen, heard and known.
The exceptional staff of Ensworth Elementary are dedicated to the success of each student. Our teachers build classroom environments in which each student develops self-awareness and relationships become stronger because children face challenges and grow together. Our specialists create the conditions for children to experience and share the full array of their strengths and talents. Our support staff help to ensure that every child is realizing the full benefit of their education so that their dreams become opportunities. Every adult at our school cares deeply about our students and their daily experience of school including all things big and small.
At Ensworth, we recognize the unlimited potential and unique character that each student brings to us each day. We believe that a great school builds on this for every child, every day. To that end, we challenge our students and ourselves to continuously seek new learning, strengthen our skills, and grow our capacity to understand and relate to others. We each achieve personal and academic success by working together!
At our school, we create a community where everyone really belongs, experiences joyful learning and works together to be our best. We include all and support each other to achieve.
La Primaria Ensworth es una pequeña escuela de vecindario ubicada en la sección noreste de Bend. La mayoría de nuestros estudiantes viven a una milla de nuestro hermoso campus y caminan o van en bicicleta a la escuela todos los días. Con aproximadamente siete salones de clases que atienden a estudiantes desde el kínder hasta el quinto grado, crecemos juntos dentro de una comunidad muy unida. Nuestros estudiantes son vistos, escuchados y conocidos.
El personal excepcional de la escuela primaria Ensworth está dedicado al éxito de cada estudiante. Nuestros maestros crean entornos de clase en los que cada estudiante desarrolla la auto-conciencia y las relaciones se fortalecen porque los niños enfrentan desafíos y crecen juntos. Nuestros especialistas crean las condiciones para que los niños experimenten y compartan toda la gama de sus fortalezas y talentos. Nuestro personal de apoyo ayuda a garantizar que cada niño obtenga el máximo beneficio de su educación para que sus sueños se conviertan en oportunidades. Todos los adultos de nuestra escuela se preocupan profundamente por nuestros estudiantes y su experiencia diaria en la escuela, incluidas todas las cosas grandes y pequeñas.
En Ensworth, reconocemos el potencial ilimitado y el carácter único que cada estudiante nos aporta cada día. Creemos que una gran escuela se basa en esto para cada niño, todos los días. Con ese fin, desafiamos a nuestros estudiantes y a nosotros mismos a buscar continuamente nuevos aprendizajes, fortalecer nuestras habilidades y aumentar nuestra capacidad de comprender y relacionarnos con los demás. ¡Todos logramos el éxito personal y académico trabajando juntos!
En nuestra escuela, creamos una comunidad donde todos realmente pertenecen, experimentan un aprendizaje alegre y trabajan juntos para ser lo mejor que pueden ser. Incluimos a todos y nos apoyamos mutuamente para lograrlo.
2150 NE Daggett Lane
Bend, OR 97701
Summer Office Hours:
Office Hours:
School Hours:
For information on volunteering guidelines and how to register to become a school volunteer - please visit our volunteer webpage.
EES Suggested Walking and Rolling Map
Learn more about safe routes to your school from Commute Options
Each year the Oregon Department of Education provides:
Your school is a Title I school. Learn more about the designation and what it means for you.
Learn your school's immunization rates here.
Additional immunization information available here.
Find annual statewide reports, notices, testing and opt out information by visiting our Oregon Department of Education Resources website.