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Family Resources

Student Coats in Closet

Family Access Network (FAN)

FAN advocates are available to assist ALL families with children, birth through graduation. If you have questions about Wi-Fi connectivity, Oregon Health Plan, food, rent or utility help, please reach out to your FAN advocate. Advocates are available via phone, email or text. Their goal is to make sure that your child has everything they need to be ready to learn.

Find your FAN advocate.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Program

The federal McKinney-Vento Act protects the educational rights of students living in unstable housing situations.

If you are experiencing housing difficulties you may qualify for additional services from Bend-La Pine Schools. Please call 541-355-1037 or visit the McKinney-Vento website for enrollment support.

Mental Health Resources

Our Student Mental Health webpage includes information to help connect students and families with mental health resources, including help lines, free counseling resources, tips for families and more.

School Counselors

School counselors continue to be available to support students and families during these unique and often stressful times. You can connect with each grade level counselor on a range of topics including academics, personal-emotional concerns, social conflicts, college and career information, and referrals to community resources. While school counselors do not provide ongoing therapy, they are available for solution-focused-brief-counseling, collaborative problem solving and positive support through challenging emotions and situations. School counselor contact information is available on each school website, see our list of schools.

Español Resources

Families seeking resources in Spanish can visit our información webpage.

Additional Resources

Las familias que buscan recursos en español pueden visitar nuestra página web de información.

Foster Care Point of Contact

If you need assistance with enrollment or transportation for students in foster care please contact:

S. Schmidt
541-246-7409 (text only)

Please visit the Foster Care website for more information.