Directory information is defined in the Bend-La Pine Schools Board Policy JOA. To request student directory information, please complete a Student Directory Information Request form. You can fill out and submit the form online, or you can print the form and fax it to Information Technology at 541-355-1210.
For General Requests:
For Military & Armed Services / Colleges:
We provide transcripts to colleges, universities, trade schools and employers for current and former students. You can also order a transcript for yourself. Please go to our Transcript Requests webpage for more information.
Complete a Student Transcript Request Form
Submit the form:
Fax: 541-355-1059
Mail: Bend-La Pine Schools, 520 NW Wall St, Room 219, Bend, Oregon 97703
If you are in need of a high school diploma replacement, you can do that directly with Miners Graduate Services.
To obtain employment verification for a Bend-La Pine School District employee please contact our Payroll department.
520 NW Wall St. STE 300
Bend, OR 97703
541-355-1123 (phone)
541-355-1129 (fax)
Release of contact information to law enforcement agencies is defined in Bend-La Pine Schools Board Policy JOA and Administrative Regulation KN-AR.
To request student contact information, please complete a Student Contact Information Request form. You can fill out and submit the form online, or you can print the form and submit it by:
Fax: 541-355-1210
Mail: Bend-La Pine Schools, 520 NW Wall St, Room 106, Bend, Oregon 97703
Public records requests are defined in KBA-AR: Public Records. Please download the Public Records Request form from the policy webpage, complete and submit it to the Superintendent’s Office:
Fax: 541-355-1009
Mail: Bend-La Pine Schools
Email: [email protected]