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JFCF-BP : Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, Cyberbullying, Teen Dating Violence or Domestic Violence - STUDENT

Novatadas, acoso, intimidación Intimidación, amenazas, ciberacoso, Violencia de pareja" o “Violencia doméstica

Article Date: Oct 11, 2022

JFCF-BP states that hazing, harassment, intimidation or bullying, menacing, and acts of cyberbullying by students, staff, or third parties toward students is strictly prohibited in the district. Teen dating violence is unacceptable behavior and prohibited. Each student has the right to a safe learning environment.

keywords: abuse, neglect, student, employee, reasonable, suspected, interactions, relationships, staff, reporting, designee, investigation, Oregon law

download policy here: English / Spanish

download Complaint Reporting form here: English / Spanish