AC-AR describes the procedure for filing a discrimination complaint and the process of investigation. Informal and formal procedures are explained with timelines and appeal processes. Complaints concerning discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, bullying, cyberbullying, menacing, hazing, teen dating violence, sexual violence, and sexual conduct with a student by a district employee, may be filed by a student, parent, district employee, or third party.
keywords: discrimination, complaint, process, form
AC-BP describes the district's stance on discrimination. The district is committed to ensuring the right of every student and employee to a safe, positive, and productive learning and working environment, and it is the policy of the Board to comply fully with the requirements of Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act and all accompanying regulations as well as applicable state law. To that end, the district prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, bullying, cyberbullying, menacing or hazing. The district will also not tolerate teen dating violence, sexual violence, and sexual conduct with a student by a district employee.
Procedures and guidance for district staff to support gender diverse students and staff so that they are fully included in Bend-La Pine Schools’ learning community and have the necessary supports to actively participate in an educational experience free of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
ACB-BP states that students, employees and visitors are entitled to experiences at Bend-La Pine Schools that are free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. Bias incident and symbols of hate are also defined and the process to file a complaint is reviewed.
Procedures and guidance for district staff to support gender diverse students and staff so that they are fully included in Bend-La Pine Schools’ learning community and have the necessary supports to actively participate in an educational experience free of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
CC-AP explains the lines of authority from the School Board through the Superintendent. An organization chart will be developed annually to represent direction of authority and responsibility.
CCG-AP describes the annual evaluation process for district administrators. The areas of primary focus for evaluation, goal oriented process, review and goal setting, licensed administrator evaluation process, classified supervisors evaluation process, and appraisal criteria are reviewed.
keywords: evaluation, administrators, supervisors, process
CJ-AR explains the administrative intern program. Identification of candidates, screening and selection, training and development, assessment appraisal, evaluation and licensing are also reviewed.
DFD-AR reviews the procedures and guidelines for rental of district facilities and / or equipment. Allocation of funds collected from rentals are explained.
DI-AR defines the responsibilities of the district's business office and Director of Fiscal Services. An annual audit will be conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.
keywords: fiscal, operations, finance, budget, accounting, audit, records
DLB-AR reviews voluntary payroll deductions, including: Section 125 Plans, Deschutes Untied Way and other voluntary payroll deductions employees can opt in.
DN-AR describes the procedure for the disposal of real property owned by the district. Surplus property, sale procedure and district personnel responsibilities are explained.
keywords: property, surplus, sale, real estate, deed, funds
EB-AP defines district safety programs. Safe buildings, grounds and equipment will be maintained to prevent accidents or injury to students, employees and others from fire, natural disasters, mechanical and electrical malfunction and other hazards.
EBB-AP explains the district's approach to pest management. It is District practice to reduce unnecessary exposure to pesticides in the school environment.
keywords: pesticides, environment, notification, management, plan
EBC / EBCA-AP states that the the district will develop and maintain a plan specifying procedures to be used in emergencies. The emergency procedure plan will be available in every school office and other strategic locations throughout the district.
EBC / EBCA-AR reviews the plan for communications during a serious incident. Roles and responsibilities of various district staff members are also reviewed.
EBCD-AR reviews reasons for which a school, schools or facility may be closed. Inclement weather, road conditions, and factors considered in closure or delays are reviewed.
ECAA-AR reviews sample language approved to post on district property related to: school buildings, tracks, fields and lawns, pets, vehicles, fire lanes or access. All posts are made in an effort to provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff and visitors and to protect the public's investment in district property.
ECACB-AP reviews the regulation and rules an employee, volunteer, or representative of the district will follow when operating an unmanned aircraft system (drone).
ECE-AR reviews the cleaning standards for district facilities. Standards for classrooms, restrooms, kitchens, cafeterias, locker rooms, offices, staff rooms, shops, gymnasiums, hallways, entries and stairwells are defined.
EDBA-AR states that the equipment used for an activity that is no longer funded or sponsored by the district will be inventoried for three years. After three years the equipment may be sold or donated.
EEA-AR reviews reasons for why the district may pay mileage reimbursement to parents who transport their own students to school or to an established district-determined bus stop.
EEAB-AR reviews how the district determines school bus routing and scheduling. Routes and stops will be reviewed by the Transportation Supervisor for safety, efficiency and in compliance with state and federal laws.
EEAC-AR reviews the goals of the student transportation system: safety, efficiency, economic operations. Students will be provided safety training and all vehicles used to transport students will be maintained to provide safe and efficient services.
EEACC-AP reviews the rules established by Oregon law for student conduct and discipline on school buses. Additional rules and expectations set by the district are also included.
EEACC-AR reviews student discipline procedures for district-approved student transportation. Code of Conduct, safety instructions, violations, suspension, expulsion and appeal procedures are also reviewed
EEACCA-AR reviews reasons for and the use of photo and video equipment on district property and school transportation vehicles. Storage, security, viewing requests, records, equipment and installation are also reviewed.
EEACD-AR reviews other types of vehicles than school buses which may be used to transport students and / or staff. Type 10 vehicles, regulations, driving and certification requirements are also reviewed.
keywords: transportation, student, van, vehicle, co-curricular, extracurricular, license, CDL
EFA-AP reviews the district's local wellness program. Nutrition education, guidelines, physical activity, school meals and evaluation are also reviewed.
EFA-AR states the sale of all food and beverages to students of the district on district property shall be limited to the products distributed by the Nutrition Services Department. Vending machine sales are also reviewed.
EFAA-AP reviews how the district can partner with Oregon Department of Education to operate the National School Lunch Program and the Commodity Food Distribution Program. Agreement terms and district responsibilities are also reviewed.
EFAA-AR reviews the requirements the district's nutrition and food services program will be operated under. Meal pricing, reimbursable school meals, application for free and / or reduced meal prices, menu planning, use and control of commodity foods, food safety and sanitation inspections, USDA food and nutritional requirements, meal accounts and record keeping are also reviewed.
EFAB-AR states the district will restrict usage of food products prepared in unsupervised environments. Classroom parties, after-school functions, sports and club banquets will adhere to the guidelines. Regulations for home prepared foods, pre-packaged foods, school kitchen facilities, food safety and sanitation standards are reviewed.
EFC-AR reviews restrictions for venting machines that are accessible to students. Types of beverages, food, location, number of machines and vending agreements are also reviewed.
EGAAA-AR reviews the guidelines for the use of copyrighted materials in the district. The district and its employees will ensure compliance with the provisions of U.S. Copyright laws.
EHA-AP reviews the district's beliefs around the use of technology. Student safety, security, protection, equipment, infrastructure, services, selection of and deployment of equipment is also reviewed.
EHA-AR reviews the appropriate uses of technology offered by the district. Equipment, infrastructure, services, conditions of use, communication devices, privacy, content filtering, restrictions, expectations, staff responsibilities, lost and / or stolen property, parental permission and student information resources are also reviewed.
EHAB-AR reviews the responsibilities and expectations for schools and those who work in the Special Program Department associated to technology and training to support student needs.
EHAC-AR describes regulations around electronic storage, publishing information and ways of communicating with electronics. Data security, copyrighted material, and rules around permission to release private information are also reviewed.
EHAD-AR defines web services provided by the district. Web hosting, staff roles, responsibilities, websites, webpages, content, management, copyright, advertising, fund raising, passwords, and hosting services are also reviewed.
The Superintendent shall not fail to ensure that the district implements a program of academic, social, and emotional instruction that includes clearly defined standards, a comprehensive and cohesive curriculum to help students achieve the standards, and the use of assessments to determine student progress toward achieving or exceeding standards and Board Ends.
The Superintendent shall not fail to ensure that the district's instructional program includes a K-12 focus on students' life and career readiness. As part of this program, students will develop self-awareness and self-advocacy skills, understanding of their own strengths and areas for growth, knowledge of post-high school education/training opportunities, and strong foundational knowledge and skills to ensure their access to multiple pathways.
The Superintendent shall not fail to act in ways that demonstrate that the district values each and every student, family, and staff member, and the public, and is committed to creating an equitable and anti-racist system that honors an elevates all. Further, the Superintendent shall not cause or allow conditions, procedures, actions, or decisions which are unlawful, unethical, unsafe, imprudent, discriminatory, or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethic and practices and Board Policies.
The Superintendent shall not fail to take all necessary steps to assure that all previously approved Board Policies, which are legally required, are addressed by Administrative Policies and Administrative Regulations. The Board of Directors acknowledges its responsibility to approve or adopt certain policies according to state and federal law.
With respect to compensation and benefits for employees, the Superintendent shall not fail to employ the highest qualified staff at the most reasonable costs to the district, nor jeopardize the fiscal integrity or public image of the district. With respect to evaluation of employees, the Superintendent shall not fail to develop an evaluation system that complies with Oregon laws and district policies and measures employee performance in terms of achieving the Board’s Ends. With respect to the treatment of employees, the Superintendent shall not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational condition that is unlawful, unethical, unsafe, imprudent, discriminatory, or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics and practices, collective bargaining agreements, or Board Policies.
Financial planning shall not deviate materially from the Board Ends and policies, risk fiscal jeopardy, or fail to be derived from long-range planning that adequately considers compensation, programs, and operational costs.
The Superintendent shall not fail to establish a nutrition services program that enhances the health of students by providing nutritious meals, allowing students to fully focus on their instructional day.
The Superintendent shall not fail to establish and maintain a visionary, secure, and equitable technology environment that promotes the best teaching and learning for students and working environment for employees consistent with the Board Ends and policies.
The Superintendent shall not fail to ensure that the district provides for internal and external communications to inform the Board of Directors, district staff, students and families of the district vision, goals, initiatives, programs, events, and opportunities. This includes district communications that occur on a regular basis in forms that are accessible and coherent, with the objective of promoting transparency, understanding, and engagement among all district stakeholders
The Board of Directors recognizes that effective learning and productive work take place in a safe, secure, and welcoming environment. Safety and security are priorities of the district, and the district is committed to providing a safe and secure environment in all district facilities, on district vehicles, and at district-sponsored activities.
FEA-AR reviews the specifications and expectations for all new and / or remodeled facilities of the district. Educational specifications and development are also reviewed.
FFA-AR reviews the process and criteria for establishing memorials on district district property and considerations for memorial activities at district sponsored events.
GAA-AR defines types of personnel categories within the district. Licensed, Classified, Supervisory, Administrative and Confidential employee types are reviewed.
GBA-AR reviews the employment practices the district will follow when a qualified and eligible veteran and/or disabled veteran applies for employment. Recruitment process, selection process, and required certification are reviewed.
GBC-AR reviews expectations and staff ethics. Use of district equipment, technology devices, data, funds, etc. are defined as are the guidelines set forth by the Oregon Government Ethics Commission for public employees.
keywords: employee, staff, benefit, gift, financial gain, personal use
GBCC-AR reviews expectations for employee mental and physical health and their abilities to perform work duties. Reasons for and the process of fitness for duty evaluations are also reviewed.
GBCD-AR reviews expectations for employees. Professionalism, responsibilities, performance, health, safety, supervision, and confidentiality are also reviewed.
GBE-AR reviews the health and safety standards for district employees. Training, safety, work practices, prevention, working conditions, and accident prevention strategies are also reviewed.
keywords: employee, staff, safety, work environment, equipment, hazard mitigation, procedure
GBEA-BP states that workplace harassment is prohibited and shall not be tolerated. This includes workplace harassment that occurs between district employees or between a district employee and the district in the workplace or at a work-related event that is off district premises and coordinated by or through the district, or between a district and a district employee off district premises. Elected school board members, volunteers and interns are subject to this policy.
GBEB-AP defines communicable, reportable and school-restrictable diseases for staff. Symptoms, exclusion, readmission, reporting, exclusion, disclosure and confidentiality are also reviewed. The district will follow the guidelines, rules and regulations of the Oregon Department of Education and the state and local health authorities.
GBEDA-AP states the district shall establish a drug and alcohol misuse prevention program that shall meet the requirements of the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991.
keywords: employee, driver, safety, regulations, training, drug and alcohol free
GBEDA-AR reviews drug and alcohol testing for Transportation employees. Hours of compliance, testing, prohibited activity, refusal, participation, pre-employment, post-accident testing, random testing and reasonable suspicion testing practices are also reviewed.
GBJ-BP states employees, district contractors and / or their employees, building usage permit holders, and district volunteers shall not posses a weapon or firearm on district property or at school-sponsored events. Definition of weapons and firearms are reviewed as are reasons for exemption.
GBK / JFCG / KGC-AP reviews the district and school board's commitment to a tobacco-free environment on district property and at school-sponsored activities. Employee and student expectations are also reviewed.
GBL-AP reviews what will be included in personnel records for each person employed by the district. Inspection, review, confidentiality, and release of information are also reviewed.
GBMA-AP reviews the employment practices the district will follow when an employee has made a report of legal violations, mismanagement, abuse of authority, etc.
GBN / JBA-BP states that Bend-La Pine Schools is committed to eliminating sexual harassment. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the district. All students, staff members and other persons are entitled to learn and work in an environment that is free of harassment. All staff members, students and third parties are subject to this policy. Any person may report sexual harassment.
GBNA-AR states that hazing, harassment, intimidation or bullying, menacing, and acts of cyberbullying of district staff or third parties is strictly prohibited in the district.
GBNAA / JHFF-BP reviews the requirements set forth in SB 155. Sexual conduct by district employees, contractors, agents and volunteers is not tolerated and all are subject to this policy.
GBNAB/JHFE-BP is designed to help all district employees understand what constitutes child abuse. Reporting, investigation and training requirements are reviewed.
GCA-AR states the district requires all applicants for district positions subject to Teacher Standards and Practices Commission license requirements to hold and Oregon license as a condition of employment.
GCAB-AP provides guidance for the effective use of social media to further the educational goals of the district. This administrative policy applies to Bend-La Pine Schools' students, employees, volunteers, contractors and other personnel acting in an official capacity on behalf of the district.
GCBC-AR states the district will comply with state and federal legislation and offer continuation coverage for health insurance to all eligible employees.
GCBD-AP states the district will comply with state and federal legislation around leaves and absences for employees. Sick leave accrual, return to work standards after illness or injury, and extended absences are also reviewed.
keywords: personnel, employee, benefit, health, insurance, sick leave, unpaid, absence, return to work, release, medical
GCBDA / GDBDA-AP states the district will comply with all provisions for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA), Paid Family Medical Leave (PLO), and any other applicable provisions set by collective bargaining agreements regarding family medical leave.
GCBDD/GDBDD-AP reviews employees who qualify for sick time, the process for how the district will award sick time and the terms and conditions for use of sick time. Category One and Category Two employees are defined and leave use is explained.
GCBF-AP reviews the district's early retirement incentive program. Goals, management of the program, program structure, benefit levels, and evaluation of the program are also reviewed.
GCDA / GDDA-AP states that the district shall require criminal records checks and fingerprinting of all newly hired full-time and part-time employees. The district will comply with state and federal regulations.
keywords: employee, personnel, contractor, volunteer, safety, criminal, record
GCDA/GDDA-AR explains the criminal records check and fingerprinting process for all employees within the district. Fees, reasons for termination and appeal process are also reviewed.
keywords: records check, fingerprint, employment, personnel, procedure
GCJA-AR reviews the procedures for authorization of extended time for employees. Definitions, authorization and accounting procedures are also reviewed.
GCL-AR reviews the expectations and procedures for continuing professional development for teachers, personnel service specialists and administrators working for the district.
keywords: personnel, employee, instruction, license, credits, continuation, plan, units
GCPA-AR reviews the process and procedures to determine when and if reductions in force are necessary. Criteria, definition of, notification and recall rights are also reviewed.
keywords: personnel, employee, licensed, classified, funding, adjustments, laid off, reorganization, length of service, competence, merit, fair dismissal
IB-AP reviews ways and opportunities for students to exercise freedom of expression within the law as part of the learning process and educational environment.
keywords: student, inquiry, expression, association, organize, publication, rights, law
IFCA / CFA-AR reviews responsibilities and expectations of school site councils. Decision making framework and guidelines are also reviewed and defined.
keywords: decision, communication, collaboration, superintendent, school board, horizontal, vertical, team, mission, goals, policy, practice
IGAEB-AP states the district will maintain a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free educational environment. Drug prevention program, intervention, referrals, violations, funding, staff development and coordination with law enforcement are also reviewed.
IGAI-AP states the district shall teach an age appropriate, comprehensive plan of instruction focusing on human sexuality, HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted disease prevention as part of health education and other subjects.
IGBA-AP states the district will provide services for students who have been evaluated and identified and is eligible for special education services. The district will comply with state and federal requirements.
keywords: student, education, disability, services, IEP, program
IGBAB-AP states the district shall follow federal and state laws with regard to student education records and provisions set forth for special education student records.
IGBAE-AR reviews the process for placement of a special education student in regular education programs. Participation, eligibility, IEP, services, access and decision making process are also reviewed.
IGBAF-AP states the district shall develop and implement an Individualized Education Program or IEP for each student with disabilities in the district, kindergarten through age 21.
keywords: student, special education, meeting, parent, plan, referral, private school, home school, participation
IGBAF-AR reviews elements of an Individualized Education Program or IEP. Content, meetings, team members, considerations, services, and resources are also reviewed.
IGBAH-AR states the district shall follow state and federal law concerning the evaluation procedures to determine disability and services a child needs.
IGBAJ-AP states the district will admit all resident school age children with disabilities and make special education and related services available at no cost.
IGBBA-AR describes the appeal process a parent / guardian can utilize if they are dissatisfied with the identification and/or placement of their student in the district's Talented and Gifted (TAG) program.
IGBBC-AP states the district shall develop a plan for programs to be offered to talented and gifted students beyond what is offered in the regular school program.
IGBC-AP reviews the notification requirements the district shall comply with regarding Title I programs. The district shall maintain compliance with state and federal law.
keywords: annual, parent, notification, involvement, Title I, program, school, participation, instruction, involvement
IGBHA-AR reviews the purpose of educational options. Definitions, approval process, support, admission to, and evaluation of such programs are also reviewed.
IGBHAA-AR explains the process for which alternative learning options, charter schools, etc. will be evaluated. Evaluations will occur annually as defined with Oregon Law.
IGBHAB-AR reviews the definition of a Choice Option school and program, guiding principles, where Choice Options are sited, how to enroll, and lottery process.
keywords: magnet, option, application, enroll, absences, wait list
This Administrative Regulation is currently in review. Please use the “download here” link below to review the draft.
Feedback is currently not being requested for the proposed draft of IGBHAB-AR.
IGBHE-AR reviews the Expanded Options Program of the district. Purpose, eligibility, enrollment and financial arrangements are explained as high school students access the program.
IGBI-AP states that students whose primary language is a language other than English will be provided appropriate assistance until they are able to use English.
keywords: student, parent, participation, written, verbal, communication, language
IGBI-AR defines the district's commitment to supporting bilingual education. Definition of terms; programs, services and systems; and guidelines that will be used to inform classroom, school and system practices are also explained.
keywords: student, parent, participation, written, verbal, communication, language
IGDA-AR explains appropriate use of district facilities for student organizations to meet. Student groups are expected to plan ahead accordingly with the building administrator and follow all rules and regulations regarding facility usage. Student meetings will not interrupt the academic day.
IGDB-AR reviews the standards for student publications. Responsibilities of the advisor, principal and students are defined and content, news, advertisements and editorials are also reviewed.
IDGF-AR reviews the district's philosophy regarding student fundraising. Guidelines , process and community organization fundraising activities are also reviewed.
IGDG-AR explains each school of the district is authorized to have a student body fund. The purposes of and process for recording revenue generated and expenditures is also reviewed.
IGDJ-BP states that Bend-La Pine Schools is committed to interscholastic activities being available for all students and outlined the administrative responsibilities and commitments the organizations the district partners with will implement and adhere to.
IGDJA-AR explains that students who reside within the district will have the ability to access athletic and activity programs. Students may be attending a district, contract, charter, private, or home school.
IGDK-AR explains the district does not sponsor, endorse or financially contribute to outside-sponsored study-travel, exchange programs, tours, trips and competitions.
IGEC-AR reviews the district's philosophy on nutritional education and opportunities. Expectations that the nutritional services department will provide nutritious menu options and food choices are also reviewed.
IIA-AR defines the process for selection and adoption of instructional materials. Core, supplemental, library and additional instructional materials are reviewed.
IICA-AR reviews information on field trips, special events, permission required, travel and safety procedures, in-state, out-of-state and overnight trips. Foreign travel is also reviewed.
keywords: field trip, activity, travel, permission, funds, district-sponsored
IKA-AR explains progress reporting and grades. Assessment, weighted grades, credit, transfers, transcripts, incomplete, college credit conversion, PE credit for OSAA athletic participation, drivers education, alternative learning credits and independent study options are also reviewed.
IK-AP defines the variety of diploma types offered for graduation. Honors Diploma, Academic Diploma, Oregon Standard Diploma, Oregon Modified Diploma, Oregon Extended Diploma, Transition Certificate, and Honorary Diplomas are defined.
IKF-AR explains diploma, graduation requirements and graduation exercises. Honors Diploma, Academic Diploma, Oregon Standard Diploma, Oregon Modified Diploma, Oregon Extended Diploma and Honorary Diploma are all defined. Essential Skills Proficiency, Diploma Credits and Transfer Guidelines are also reviewed.
IKFB-AP reviews the district's allowance for students to wear their tribal regalia or items of cultural significance at graduation and at other public school ceremonies.
IKFB-AR reviews the district's allowance for students to wear their tribal regalia or items of cultural significance at graduation and at other public school ceremonies and helps define culture appreciation.
IL-AR reviews the district's assessment program. Results of assessments will be used to help establish instructional goals for individual students and program development for the district as a whole.
INB-AR explains the districts philosophy on instruction and studying of controversial issues. Selection, responsibilities staff, notice of alternative options are also reviewed.
ING-AR defines the conditions and process by which animals can visit classrooms and / or be on school property. The length of time, teacher and owner responsibilities for animal visitors and limitations of visit are reviewed.
keywords: animals, pets, visitors, injuries, authorization, service animal, disability
JB-AP reviews the board's commitment to every student of the district will be given equal educational opportunities regardless of age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital or parental status.
keywords: opportunity, education, discrimination, Title IX
JBB-AR was developed by the Bend-La Pine Schools’ Equity Coalition as a supplement to JBB-AP: Educational Equity. The beliefs and efforts to help ensure high levels of family engagement are reviewed.
JC-AR explains the process and reasons for which students may apply to attend a school outside of their attendance area as defined by the residential address. In-District Programs, Magnet or Choice Option Schools, In-District Transfers, Attendance Area Change Requests and Athletic Participation are reviewed.
JC-BP outlines the conditions in which the Superintendent may adjust school attendance area boundaries and suggested process and considerations for boundary changes.
JEC-AP reviews admission for resident students, defines residency, reviews requirements for school registration and how part-time private school students could attend district schools.
JECB-AP explains reasons for and how the district will admit non-resident students. Open enrollment, joint approval, tuition, foreign exchange and referrals form juvenile court are also explained.
*if you would like to transfer a student into Bend-La Pine Schools and live outside of the district, please contact your resident school district to begin the transfer process
JECBD-AP explains that homeless students and students in foster care within the district will have access to the education, services and opportunities as all other students.
keywords: homeless, foster care, access, services, attendance, transportation
JFCA-AP reviews the expectation of appropriate dress and grooming for district students that will reflect their individuality, but will also contribute to a productive learning environment.
JFCE-AR states student participation in secret fraternity, sororities, clubs, gangs is prohibited. Violations and disciplinary measures will be taken for students who participate.
keywords: student, activities, paraphernalia, behavior, disrupt, school
JFCF-BP states that hazing, harassment, intimidation or bullying, menacing, and acts of cyberbullying by students, staff, or third parties toward students is strictly prohibited in the district. Teen dating violence is unacceptable behavior and prohibited. Each student has the right to a safe learning environment.
JFCG-AP explains the district is tobacco-free. Tobacco products are defined, areas where tobacco is prohibited are reviewed, efforts to educate students about tobacco, and disciplinary measures are explained for those who violate this policy.
JFCJ-BP reviews the district's zero-tolerance policy toward firearms and weapons. Reporting and disciplinary steps are explained and definitions of of firearm, destructive device, dangerous weapon and deadly weapon are included.
keywords: weapon, firearm, school property, posses, conceal, law enforcement
JFCM-AP reviews the district's commitment to promoting healthy relationships and safe learning environments. Student threats of harm to self or others, threatening behavior or acts of violence, including threats to severely damage school property shall not be tolerated on district property or at events under the jurisdiction of the district. Reporting, disciplinary action and notification are reviewed. Mental health, law enforcement, child protective services, health care professionals, etc. maybe a part of proactive safety efforts.
JFG-AR explains reasons for and when district officials might search a student's person and property including property assigned by the district for student use. Vehicle searches, use of drug dogs, use of breathalyzers, student interviews, involvement of law enforcement, investigations of child abuse and protocol are also explained.
JFGA-AR explains how and why a school administrator may decide to implement a voluntary drug testing program for students participating in district sponsored athletic programs.
JG-BP defines student conduct and discipline for the district. Types of school discipline such as probation, in-school suspension, suspension and expulsion are reviewed. Restorative practices, appeal process and alternative programs are also explained.
JGAB-AR reviews the communication and notification process district staff will use with parents and guardians when physical restraint or seclusion has been used on a student. Debrief meeting and annual review and reporting requirements are also covered.
JHCC-AP defines communicable, reportable and school-restrictable diseases for students. Symptoms, exclusion, readmission, reporting, exclusion, disclosure and confidentiality are also reviewed. The district will follow the guidelines, rules and regulations of the Oregon Department of Education and the state and local health authorities.
JHCD-AR reviews in detail the definitions of medications, staff training, administration of medicine practices and requirements, self-medication, handling and storage, disposal of student medications, and documents required from parent or guardians.
JHFA-AR reviews the responsibilities and procedures district employees are expected to follow to help ensure the well being of students while at school.
JHFF-AR is designed to help all district employees understand what conduct is appropriate, and what conduct is inappropriate or could appear inappropriate, using examples in different contexts of staff and student interactions.
keywords: boundaries, interactions, relationships, staff, students
JHH-AP reviews the requirements set forth in SB 52 in which districts must have a comprehensive plan on student suicide prevention for students grades K-12.
JHHA-AR describes the districts commitment to promoting healthy and safe learning environments for all members of the school community. General anti-violence practices are defined.
JNA-AR describes the reasons why the district may withhold grade reports, diploma and student records. If a student owes a debt of more than 50 dollars to the district, the district may withhold such records. Notification, appeal process and hearing are also reviewed.
JO-AR reviews management of student educational records. Parental and student rights, right to inspect or review, release of personally identifiable information, record keeping requirements, amendment requests, hearing rights, and transferring educational records topics are also reviewed.
JOA-AP defines the directory information that may be released to the public through appropriate procedures. Student name and address, release of information to military recruiters and colleges, public notice and exclusions are reviewed.
JOB-AP explains records keeping process the district releases personally identifiable information. Information will not be released without prior written and dated consent of the parent or student (18 years or older or emancipated). Definitions of information and exceptions to prior consent are explained.
KAB-AP reviews the rights of parents under the NCLB Act to inspect their student's records and survey of their student. Notification requirements are also reviewed.
KAB-AR reviews the definitions and procedures that will be used to implement the parental rights requirements of the NCLB Act. Definitions, requests to inspect materials, requests to excuse students from covered activities, student privacy, notification and exceptions are all reviewed.
KBC-AR describes the partnership and commitment to maintain good working relationships with local press, radio and television as being a part of the district's public information program.
KCA-AR reviews school volunteers, expectations of volunteers, and the application and process to become a volunteer. Direction to leave and reasons a volunteer might be suspended or terminated are also described.
KGA-R describes the procedure and conditions for district facility use. Charges, terms of agreement, general guidelines, athletic field and parking lot use, auditorium use, gym use, bleacher use and cycling event guidelines are all covered.
KGAB-AR explains roles and responsibilities of employees who are a part of school sponsored activities and privately sponsored activities, including sports camps. Facilities, equipment and use of vehicles are also reviewed.
KGBB-BP aligns with Senate Bill 554(2021) and states that no person on grounds of the schools controlled by Bend-La Pine Schools Board (including in school buildings), will possess any firearm, except when said firearm is possessed by a person who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing the firearm, and is unloaded and locked in a motor vehicle. The exception provided in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 166.370(3)(g) for concealed carry licensees (see ORS 166.291 and 166.292) does not apply to the possession of firearms on grounds of the schools controlled by the Board. Firearms under the control of law enforcement personnel are permitted.
keywords: weapon, firearm, school property, posses, conceal, law enforcement
KGF-AR explains the appropriate use of school district equipment and materials. Exceptions and liability for use of district equipment and materials not on school district property are explained.
KGG-AR reviews reasons why school buildings and grounds may be accessed during non-custodial hours. Access is limited to district personnel or custodial staff members.
keywords: building, access, security, schools, facilities, building usage
KJA-AR defines how the district will implement materials distribution. Types of material, locations, permission, school affiliated and commercial materials are also reviewed.
KK-AR reviews protocols and expectations for visitors to district facilities. Visitor guidelines are reviewed and information about registered sex offenders visiting district property is also available.
keywords: visitors, visitor management, schools, community, check in, permission, behavior
KL-BP describes the expectations of the Board for the district to investigate and respond to a public complaint. Process and resolution strategies are reviewed.
LBE-AP describes the procedure and process for charter school applicants. Goals for a public charter school are defined along with explanation of the school boards role in approving the application.
LBE-AR describes the procedure and process for charter school applicants. Public Charter Schools and Virtual Public Charter Schools expectations are included and all requirements the applicant must meet and the timeline. Renewal process and termination information is also covered.
Charter Applications for grades 9-12 may only be submitted during odd-numbered years.
Charter Applications for grades K-8 may only be submitted during even-numbered years.