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Bend-La Pine School's
2017-2018 Budget Message

2017-18 Proposed Budget

I submit herein the Proposed Bend-La Pine Schools’ Budget for fiscal year 2017-18. The proposed budget of $329.2 million for all funds is the result of the financial goals set by the Bend-La Pine Schools’ Board of Directors, staff, community, as well as the work of our internal budget team.

Bend-La Pine Schools is Oregon’s fifth largest school district. Its student population has steadily increased by an average of 300 students a year for more than three decades. We anticipate that this trend will continue and expect to support more than 18,350 students during the 2017-18 school year. We will do everything possible with the resources allocated herein to support the teaching and learning environments our students and staff deserve.

Strategic Plan

It is our expectation that all students graduate future-ready from Bend-La Pine Schools prepared to

  • KNOW: Master content;
  • THINK: Creatively and critically;
  • ACT: Self-direct and collaborate; and
  • GO: Navigate locally and globally. *

The Board of Directors, in partnership with district leadership, has provided clear direction and focus towards this strategic effort through the development of the Board’s Ends/Goals Policy and its eight key World Class Outcomes, defining what it means to live out the District’s purpose of Educating Each Student to be a Thriving Citizen. Using clear and focused measurements, we have identified the outcomes we strive for at Bend-La Pine Schools and we continue to align our efforts and resources accordingly. Together we pledge our dedication to excellence and equity: high levels of success for all students.

World Class Outcomes for Ensuring Student Success

  1. Bend-La Pine Schools students’ academic achievement will show continuous improvement, as measured by the percent of 3rd-8th and 11th graders annually scoring 3 or higher on the Smarter Balanced State Assessments, or by the percent of 9th-11th graders meeting ACT’s College and Career Readiness Benchmarks, in Reading, Mathematics, Writing, and Science. (Academic Excellence)
  2. Bend-La Pine Schools annual progress in eliminating the achievement gap for all students will show continuous improvement, as measured by the percent of state or federally identified student populations in grades 3 rd-8th and 11th annually scoring 3 or higher on the Smarter Balanced State Assessments, or by the percent of 9th-11th graders meeting ACT’s College and Career Readiness Benchmarks, in Reading, Mathematics, Writing, and Science. (Academic Excellence)
  3. Bend-La Pine Schools shall make continuous advancement toward on-time graduation, as measured by Bend-La Pine Schools’ 4-year cohort graduation rate. (Academic Excellence)
  4. Bend-La Pine Schools students’ demonstration of the essential skills and attributes of hope, engagement, and well-being will show continuous improvement, as measured by the Gallup Student Poll of students in grades 5-12. ( Thriving Citizens)
  5. Bend-La Pine Schools students’ participation in extra and co-curricular activities will increase annually, as measured by the percent of secondary students participating in school-based extra- or co-curricular activities that are recorded in the district’s student information system. (Thriving Citizens)
  6. Bend-La Pine Schools students’ participation in advanced, career and technical, arts, world-language, and post-secondary courses shall increase annually, as measured by the average number of credits earned per secondary student, per year. This shall include high school credits in middle school, college credits in high school, technical and career ready coursework, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, arts, world-language, and other advanced learning opportunities. (Future Ready)
  7. Bend-La Pine Schools students’ use of the essential 21st Century skills of critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration will show an increase, as measured by the BrightBytes Clarity Student Survey of students in grades 3-12. (Future Ready)
  8. Bend-La Pine Schools shall show continuous advancement in the number of students’ entering post- secondary education, as measured by the percent of graduates entering 2- or 4-year colleges within 16 months of graduation. (Future Ready)

Proposed Budget

Oregon’s current budget deficit at the state level, and the resulting under-investment in K-12 education, makes for extremely challenging times - yet we remain focused on continued high performance and improvement through the 2017-19 biennium.

In the following pages, you will find my recommendation for a $329.2 million all-funds investment into our communities’ schools next year. The General Fund Operations Budget totals $167.7 million and incorporates resources available to the district, including the following:

  • $7.8 billion State School Fund (SSF) level, with a 49%/51% split over the 2017-19 biennium;
  • Additional SSF for increasing anticipated enrollment of 1.8% during the biennium; and
  • A $7.5 million reserve from the 2016-17 school year.

When comparing the 2017-18 General Fund resources detailed above to the funds currently available for the 2016-17 school year, you will note a marked decrease in service level. However, the newly established Oregon High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Fund, created as a result of the passage of Measure 98, is expected to provide new resources to support high school staffing and programming. With the addition of these fund dollars, the district should be able to maintain our current service level into the upcoming year.

The 2017-18 proposed budget maintains staffing levels and instructional days, continues universal full-day kindergarten, and continues to prioritize strategic investments in the key areas of Safety, Choice Options, World-Class Education, and System Performance. These critical strategic investments were identified during the 2016-17 budget process and continue to remain vital in support of our community expectations and the achievement of the Board of Director’s World Class Outcomes - specifically targeting needed growth in mathematics achievement, success for our linguistically diverse students, success for our students in poverty, and improved graduation rates.

These investments include the following:


Bend-La Pine Schools is focused on ensuring physically and psychologically safe, healthy learning environments for all students and staff.

  • Maintain district-wide safety planning efforts through the use of high quality emergency operation plans, as well as implementation of best practices and training;
  • Maintain district-wide safety and school psychologist positions;
  • Maintain K-5 and 6-12 behavior specialist positions;
  • Continue facility safety upgrades through support from the 2013 capital construction bond; and
  • Increase Behavior Intervention Center (BIC) support and Positive Behavior Interventionist (PBIS) support through the reallocation of Local Service Plan priorities with the High Desert Educational Service District.


Bend-La Pine Schools is dedicated to ensuring a pioneering spirit in the realm of high quality learning options within - and throughout - our schools.

  • Maintain digital conversion efforts in grades 3-12 that include recently adopted instructional materials in English language arts, mathematics, and science;
  • Maintain Bend-La Pine Schools Online district options;
  • Maintain current level of Career Technical Education and dual credit options at the secondary level;
  • Maintain current level of support for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and AVID strategy trainings for all current school participants;
  • Fully implement school design process in all schools;
  • Continue scheduled district-wide athletics and activities investment support;
  • Continue scheduled magnet and choice option transportation investment district-wide;
  • Refine and align professional learning options at the employee, school, and district levels; and
  • Plan and prepare for the implementation of two small high school learning options, an Expeditionary Learning option and an Innovation/Entrepreneurship option, for the fall of 2018.

World-Class Education

Bend-La Pine Schools’ goal is to prepare students for the college or career paths of their choice.

  • Maintain current class size targets, including equity funding;
  • Continue to provide high quality professional learning for English language arts, mathematics, and science instruction, incorporating newly adopted instructional materials;
  • Redesign vertical alignment of mathematics course offerings between middle school and high school levels;
  • Maintain district-wide curricular/instructional teacher leadership positions;
  • Continue expansion of the dual immersion program to 7th grade;
  • Create family engagement positions to enhance relationships between schools and Latino families, through the use of staffing reallocation savings;
  • Implement an enhanced English Language Development service model through the use of grant dollars and staffing reallocation savings;
  • Maintain increased counseling support at the high school level;
  • Maintain current high school schedule for increased numbers of students on track for graduation;
  • Continue the development of a comprehensive counseling and guidance services model;
  • Implement effective social, emotional and instructional support systems to adequately address students’ adverse childhood experiences;
  • Implement an enhanced special education identification and service model.

System Performance

Bend-La Pine Schools is committed to defining and measuring what matters most.

  • Maintain new teacher mentoring and induction program;
  • Maintain Instructional Curriculum Coach Leadership positions at each building;
  • Maintain dedicated School Improvement professional learning time;
  • Maintain current levels of teacher evaluation and support services for building principals;
  • Implement the District’s Professional Advancement Support System (PASS);
  • Continue to improve the district’s Data, Analysis, and Reporting Tool (DART 2.0); and
  • Develop a multi-year financial and strategic planning process that includes ROI progress monitoring.

These investments were identified by analyzing student data, reviewing strategic measures, determining where improvement is needed to align to the district’s Comprehensive Plan, and incorporating a set of strategic priorities to achieve Bend-La Pine Schools purpose of Educating Each Student to be a Thriving Citizen. And, as outlined in Executive Limitation 10 on Financial Planning and Budgeting, the General Fund budgeted ending fund balance will be 5% of total resources. The importance of maximizing instructional time and maintaining continuity of instruction must remain at the top of our list of priorities. While student achievement results are at or near all-time highs, Bend-La Pine Schools must work - even in difficult financial times - to make sure all students attain excellence, regardless of socio economic status, English language proficiency and/or disabilities.

With that said, it is impossible to present this budget proposal without acknowledging that the current funding level for Oregon K-12 schools is inadequate to fully meet the district's needs in many areas. Although we are presenting a budget that essentially sustains current operational levels across the district, I do not believe those levels are adequate to achieve the high goals we have set for our staff and students. We must be proactive with our legislators in advocating for increased funding in the next biennium. I am gravely concerned about a “new normal” for Oregon education that represents fewer days than most across the nation, as well as exorbitant class sizes and teaching loads for our dedicated educators.

And finally, as I present this proposed budget it must be noted that contract negotiations are just beginning with all of our employee groups. While the proposed budget maintains personnel costs, we do not yet have agreements in place. The agreements, once in place, may impact this plan and our operations in 2017-18.

Future Investments

If additional funding is made available during the 2017-19 biennium, the internal budget team recommends that these future strategic investments be considered:

  • More and better supported teachers and staff…to help promote strong student/teacher/family
    relationships, provide more individualized instruction and interventions, and provide teachers with the
    knowledge and skills they need to be effective with diverse student populations.
    • Reduction in class sizes, particularly at the high school level and with our most underserved populations around the district;
    • Increase in trained interventionists at the secondary level;
    • Increase in instructional coaching and new teacher mentoring support; and
    • Increase in administrative support at the high school level.
  • Additional program offerings…to more effectively engage all students in their education and ensure all students are future-ready.
  • Up-to-date resources for learning…to give students and teachers the tools they need for a 21st Century education.
  • More instruction time for students…to promote deeper learning, including sufficient time for creativity, communication, critical thinking and collaboration; and to help ensure that all students can receive the support necessary for mastery of critical knowledge and skills.
  • Support for physical and mental health…so that all students can thrive personally and interpersonally, allowing them to focus on the knowledge and skills critical for college and career readiness, as well as lifetime success.
  • Increase in Career Technical Education (CTE) programming;
  • Addition of visual arts specialists in the elementary schools; and
  • Increase in staff to support internship placements/supervision at the high school level.
  • Provision of technology necessary to support robust CTE offerings; and
  • Funding for teacher teams to create support materials/resources aligned with the district’s instructional materials.
  • Addition of four instructional days for students and one professional learning day for all staff; and
  • Extension of the school year with interventions for targeted students: jump starts for kindergarten, 8th-9th grade transitions, “brain camps” for elementary students with skill deficits.
  • Counseling staff at all levels sufficient to coach teaching staff in Tier I interventions and to provide Tier II and III interventions.


In closing, I want to thank the internal budget team and staff for the significant time and effort they put into preparing this Proposed Budget for 2017-18. This budget proposal meets the requirements of Bend-La Pine Schools’ Board Governance Executive Limitation Policy EL-10, Financial Planning and Administration, and reflects our purpose of Educating Each Student to be a Thriving Citizen. This budget is built with the intent of continuing to promote high levels of student achievement, and progression of our students to post-secondary

education and beyond. It works within our available resources to do what we believe is best for our students and families. We will continue to work as diligently as possible to find strategies to use available resources in the best manner possible to serve our current and future students. Our commitment to providing a World-Class education for our students will not waiver.

Together, we will continue on our positive trajectory full of hope. We will maintain recent strategic investments and focus resources to our schools, students and staff, while continuing to invest in central support services. Through innovations and partnerships, we will ensure all students succeed.

Thank you for your consideration of the 2017-18 Proposed Budget.

Respectfully submitted,

Shay Mikalson, Superintendent

* Dr. David Conley, Educational Policy Improvement Center