October 9-16 is National School Lunch Week. Here at Bend-La Pine Schools, we are proud of our Nutrition Services and the healthy and tasty meals they provide to our students. Here are a few fun facts ... (more)
Committed to Making Schools Safe, Welcoming for All
Oct 03, 2017
October 3rd, 2017 Bend-La Pine Schools' Students, Families, Community Partners, and Staff: As a district, we strive to embrace diversity, to welcome families, and to interrupt discriminatory a... (more)
PRESS RELEASE: Student enrollment in Bend-La Pine Schools increased by 341 students this year to 18,375. Enrollment has increased dramatically in the past five years — up 1,775 students since 2012. ... (more)
PRESS RELEASE: October 2, all dayBlue Shirt DayRosland Elementary School and Three Rivers School will celebrate World Day of Bullying Prevention and encourage students to wear blue shirts in support o... (more)
Four Schools Join in Neighborhood Clean-Up Efforts
Sep 27, 2017
Press Release:Students and staff from several schools in Bend-La Pine Schools are participating in activities related to Good Neighbor Day on Sept. 28, a national holiday that encourages people to be ... (more)