The Board Room was standing room only the evening of January 14 to honor our newest Champion for Students! Meet fifth grade teacher Rod Davis.
Mr. Davis was nominated for this honor by parent Carrie Hicks. Here’s what she shared:
"The fact that my 7th grade daughter still returns to his classroom to say hello and help out is maybe all that needs to be said, but brevity in describing Mr. D's excellence would be a shame. His compassion for his students, and his deep desire to make learning a blast, endure Mr. D to many if not all of his students. From his crazy hat collection that grows each year, to his character role in the studying of the colonies, Mr. Davis is always seeking new and fun (often hilarious) ways to engage his students. He creates a community in his classroom that I've never seen before, and he promises to come to high school graduations. Not a single one of us doubts his sincerity on that. At the end of summer, he puts together a "Summer Travels" video for all his current and former students. It's a highlight and includes fun history lessons. He is truly thinking of his current and past students 365 days a year."
High Lakes Principal Kimberly Sundberg shared:
"Mr. D truly is a champion for students and families. His classroom procedures are engaging, rigorous, and designed with quality in mind. This all creates an environment in which students are able to turn state standards into real-life purpose. His dedication of time and ongoing humor, positivity, and joyful attitude make him one of High Lakes’ finest. We adore him!
"P.S. It is true, we always have former students showing up to say hi AND he does attend former students' graduations."
In recognition of Rod Davis's compassion for his students and dedication to his classroom. Mr. D's lessons are unique, rigorous, and designed for the success of every student. He creates an environment in which students engage with the work and each other, turning lessons into real-life purpose. His commitment of time and ongoing humor, positivity, and joyful attitude make him one of High Lakes’ finest and creates community beyond the walls of your classroom. Bend-La Pine Schools is proud to count Rod Davis among our Champion for Students!