This Thursday, November 21, is College and Career Day in Bend-La Pine Schools!
This is a K-12 day, a day for everyone, and we are looking to draw attention to the diversity of pathways available to students after they graduate high school. We want all students to be dreaming about what options they have after they leave our schools.
Headed for an Oregon university? Aiming to go into law enforcement, health care, or forestry? Students are encouraged to dress up as a professional from their career path or in the colors of their favorite postsecondary institution. Remember, college can mean community college, trade school, 4-year university, etc.
"We want students as young as kindergarten to be talking about their future. Many of our students are surprised to learn about the multitude of pathways out there that lead to viable and fulfilling careers. We hope everyone will participate and open their eyes to what's out there," said Stephen DuVal, Executive Director of Middle Schools.
We hope you'll join in the celebration!