Bus routes for this school year are ready to view. Use our Bus Route Lookup Tool to log in and find route details, including bus stop location and pick-up/drop-off times, for your student. As we may make additional adjustments prior to the first week of school, it’s a good idea to confirm your route details over Labor Day weekend.
Bend-La Pine Schools also offers My Bus Stop, an online tool that lets parents and guardians know approximately what time their school bus will arrive at their home stop each day. The bus location is automatically updated, and the arrival time recalculated to account for potential delays.
If you have not registered your student to ride the bus this year, please do so as soon as possible. Both new and returning riders need to be registered before the first week of school. Please log into your ParentVUE account and use the Online Registration tool to walk you through the registration process. If you have questions about accessing your ParentVUE account, please refer to our Online Enrollment Information webpage for detailed information.
For more information on transportation eligibility, please visit our transportation website for information such as who is eligible to ride the bus, expectations for riders, delays and closures, and more.