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Apply Now for Budget Committee

Applications Due Friday, January 21

Article Date: Jan 13, 2021

Bend-La Pine Schools seeks volunteers to join its Budget Committee beginning in February 2022. The committee, which includes the seven elected members of the Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors and seven members of the community, currently has three openings. The committee works with district staff to review and approve the school district’s budget each year.

Members of the committee typically serve three-year terms and are asked to participate in a few meetings during the spring of each school year to review the proposed budget.

Applications for the volunteer position are due Friday, January 21, 2022. Members must live within the school district, be registered to vote and cannot be current employees or agents for Bend-La Pine Schools.

To apply, submit a letter of interest and resume via email to [email protected] or via mail to: Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors, Attn: Janet Bojanowski, 520 NW Wall St., Bend, OR 97703.

For additional information, contact 541-355-1000.