Bend-La Pine Schools' Board of Directors passed the following resolution during the June 9, 2020 board meeting.
School Board Commitment to Equity and Anti-Racism
WHEREAS, the recent incidents of violence against Black Americans highlights the systemic bias and institutional racism in our society that has senselessly and atrociously devastated so many Black lives throughout our country’s history;
WHEREAS, as school board members we are committed to actively interrupting systemic racism and eliminating inequities in our education system and therefore are compelled to speak out;
WHEREAS, this violence, racism, and disregard of human dignity and life reflect and perpetuate a system within which students, families, and staff of color and their families are oppressed and attacked, both through explicit racist actions as well as unconscious bias and microaggressions;
WHEREAS, our community and nation’s future requires that this systemic bias and institutional racism be dismantled, to promote equity, and ensure ALL children and families are able to thrive;
WHEREAS, education is a key lever for creating this more equitable and anti-racist community, nation, and world;
WHEREAS, our district is committed to promoting equity within and across our schools, in conversation and partnership with students, families, staff, and community stakeholders;
WHEREAS, in moving from planning to action, our district is committed to drawing on the perspective and feedback from the collection of diverse voices received through the Excellence and Equity review process to identify concrete actions that must be taken to advance this work, and continuing to ensure that these voices are elevated in decision-making processes.
WHEREAS, as a school board and district we value each and every student, family, and staff member and are committed to creating an equitable and anti-racist system that honors and elevates all.
WHEREAS, we recognize that the experiences and outcomes in our district are not consistent for historically underserved and marginalized groups, including people of color; those experiencing poverty, homelessness, or foster/kinship care; students who identify as LGBTQ+; students receiving special education instruction; and students who are linguistically diverse.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors for Bend-La Pine Schools that:
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED, that the Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors shall take specific action to revise its governance tools - goals, guardrails, procedures, and budget - to reflect this focus on equity and anti-racism: