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Secondary Attendance Areas Approved

Middle and High School Zones Take Effect 2021-22

Article Date: Mar 04, 2020


Today Bend-La Pine Schools Superintendent Shay Mikalson approved the adoption of new attendance areas for middle and high schools for the 2021-22 school year, as recommended by the Attendance Area Review Committee last month. The new zones will create an attendance area for Bend-La Pine Schools’ new high school, which will open in fall of 2021, and help alleviate overcrowding in Bend-area high schools and help balance enrollment across middle and high schools.

“Our schools have been growing an average of 300 students each year and this new high school will go a long way to reduce overcrowding in our high schools,” said Mikalson. “We are grateful to the members of the committee for their dedication and believe their efforts will benefit students and staff alike for years to come.”

After studying input from community members and carefully reviewing recommendations from the Attendance Area Review Committee, Mikalson finalized the new attendance areas today.

The committee, which includes 26 community members and staff, was tasked with creating new attendance areas in order to open a new high school in fall of 2021 and to balance enrollment across all Bend area middle and high schools.

Individuals can download the maps and read more about the process on our Attendance Area Webpage.