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Share Input on Map Options

Attendance Area Open House Events Dec. 4 and Dec. 6

Article Date: Nov 29, 2018


Bend-La Pine Schools’ 27-member Attendance Area Review Committee invites interested community members to offer input about three potential elementary school attendance area maps during two upcoming open house style meetings:
  • 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 4 at Sky View Middle School
  • 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at Pacific Crest Middle School

At the drop-in style events, community members will be able to review three potential scenarios, speak with committee members and provide feedback about the options. Community members will also be able to share input through an online survey, which will be open from 4:30 p.m. Dec. 4 to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at our Attendance Area Review webpage. The proposed maps will be available on the webpage after noon on Dec. 4.

New attendance areas will define the attendance area for Bend-La Pine Schools’ new 600-seat elementary school in north-central Bend opening in fall of 2019 and redraw attendance areas throughout the Bend area in ways that balance enrollment and reduce pressure felt at the district’s overcrowded elementary schools. Every neighborhood elementary school in Bend is expected to see a change in attendance area by the conclusion of the process.

The committee will consider these comments while drafting their recommendation.

The committee is expected to make its final recommendation to the Superintendent in January 2019. The approved elementary school attendance areas changes will be implemented for the start of the 2019-20 school year.

Learn more about the process at Bend-La Pine Schools’ attendance area review webpage.