Press Release:
Bend-La Pine Schools students taking the SAT exams during 2016-17 scored higher than peers in the state and nation, according to results released from the College Board today. Students in Bend-La Pine Schools scored an average of 1,163, compared with a statewide average score of 1,106 and 1,070 for the nation.
Bend-La Pine Schools students scored an average of 590 on Evidence-based Reading and Writing, compared with 559 for the state and 538 for the nation. In math, Bend-La Pine Schools students scored an average of 572, compared with 547 for the state and 533 for the nation. Due to a change in the SAT exam, these scores cannot be compared with previous year’s results.
The College Board also released results of Advanced Placement (AP) exams taken in 2016-17. Bend-La Pine Schools students took 1,492 Advanced Placement exams in 26 subjects, including Calculus, Japanese, Music Theory, Psychology and Statistics, to name just a few.
“Advanced Placement courses are one of several ways that students in our schools are able to earn college credits while still in high school,” said Superintendent Shay Mikalson. “These rigorous academic opportunities help set students up for success in college and careers. We are thrilled to see so many of our students performing well on both the SAT and AP exams.”