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Let's Focus on Technology Together

Parent Tips for Digital Citizenship Week Oct. 24-28

Article Date: Oct 21, 2016

Digital Citizenship Week

Together, parents and educators can help guide our students toward safe, respectful and responsible use of their digital devices. During the next week we are asking our community to focus on technology in order to help all of our students become good digital citizens.

What does digital citizenship mean? It means using technology as a tool, in a responsible, respectful and safe manner. This week, most of our teachers are talking to students about digital skills, ethics, etiquette, time management and online safety. These are important skills to learn in today's world — and these lessons also go beyond the classroom. Technology is ubiquitous and students often use devices throughout their daily lives. With that in mind, we are asking all of our families to talk about technology and think about its use throughout the day.

We are asking all of our families to talk about technology and think about its use throughout the day.

Make a Pledge

This is a great week to think about making a fresh start or change with technology. Perhaps you want to be more mindful about how technology is used in your household; or perhaps you want to better understand how students are using their devices. This is a great week to dive in with a pledge!

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Have a week of screen-free dinners (no TV, no texting).
  • Ask everyone in the house (adults and kids alike) agree to put their devices "to bed" after 9 p.m.
  • Ask students to use technology as a tool for the household — show them how to pay bills online; search for upcoming plane tickets or research a family vacation.
  • Agree to forgo taking pictures or documenting an upcoming event.
  • Suggest students host a tutorial and spend 15 minutes teaching parents how to use an app on the iPad and show how it's used for class.

If your family takes a pledge or makes a change this week, let us know. Share your stories using #BLSDigitalCitizens. We will share pictures and tweets from families throughout the week via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Share your stories using #BLSDigitalCitizens

Family Focus: Age-Appropriate Topics

Our Instructional Technology educators have identified some age-appropriate topics to get families started talking about technology. Check out the resources below for information for grades kindergarten through tenth grade.

Kindergarten: Times for Technology

First Grade: Making Good Decisions About Screen Time

Second Grade: How Do Adults Use Digital Devices?

Third Grade: Routines With Digital Devices

Fourth Grade: Digitally Enhanced Learning

Fifth Grade: Internet Safety at Home

Sixth Grade: Managing Media in Our Lives

Seventh Grade: Understanding and Managing Our Digital Footprints

Eighth Grade: Using Technology as a Tool

Ninth Grade: Productivity and Multi-Tasking

Tenth Grade: Technology and Relationships

Daily Tips

Try out these technology tips this week:

  1. Internet Safety (elementary age): Students should ask permission before going online and know to never give out private information online.
  2. Digital Footprint (high school students): Colleges research students online, so it's important to not post things that might be embarrassing or inappropriate.
  3. Multi-Tasking (all ages): Try to concentrate on one thing at a time. Doing homework while texting friends and listening to music is not productive.
  4. Managing Time (all ages): Ask students to set time limits for their digital devices.
  5. Being Kind (middle school): Cyberbullying is hurtful and mean. Remind students — if you wouldn't say something to someone in person, then you shouldn't say it online.

More Information

Want to learn more? Chat with your student's teacher about how technology is used in the classroom and also consider checking out these resources:

BLS Digital Citizenship resources site

iPads in the Classroom