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Our Learning Levy 2024


On the May 21, 2024 primary election ballot, Bend-La Pine Schools proposes a 5-year Local Option Levy that would allow the District to bridge the funding gap and dedicate resources to important programs and services.


This short video covers what you need to know about the Learning Levy.


Shall District levy $1.00 per $1,000 assessed value for five years beginning 2024-25 to bridge funding gap, support priorities? This measure may cause property taxes to increase by more than three percent.


The Bend-La Pine School District is unable to fully fund student-focused programs and services with revenues received under the state funding model. This proposed 5-year local option levy would allow the District to bridge the funding gap and dedicate resources for the following:

Protecting and maintaining class sizesProtecting and maintaining class sizes

Strengthening and adding Career Technical Education pathwaysStrengthening and adding CTE pathways

Recruiting and retaining teachers and support staffRecruiting and retaining teachers and support staff

Increasing advanced academic offerings for studentsIncreasing advanced academic offerings for students

Improving support systems for struggling studentsImproving support systems for struggling students

Enhancing elective offerings in music, art, technology, business, world languagesEnhancing elective offerings in music, art, technology, business, world languages

Passage of the levy would help the District focus on strategies that prepare students for lifelong learning and career success. The district serves over 17,000 students in 33 schools.

If approved, the levy would establish a tax rate of $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The estimated cost for a home with a median assessed value of $238,750 is about $239 a year. The levy would provide the District approximately $21.2 million in the first year.

What Our Levy Will Do

  • Restore staff positions, protect and maintain current class sizes
  • Support staff recruitment and retention
  • Fund expansion of Career Technical Education and other academic programs
  • Expand support systems for students across the district

Every School Benefits

How will the levy support elementary schools?

Add counselors
Support music and arts enrichment
Add learning specialists and educational assistants
Maintain class sizes

How will the levy support middle schools?

Create new CTE pathways
Add campus safety monitors
Expand electives
Increase staffing for academic enrichment and intervention
Maintain class sizes

How will the levy support high schools?

Expand CTE opportunities in all 7 high schools
Increase access to advanced courses including AP, IB, and dual credit
Increase staffing for academic enrichment and intervention
Maintain class sizes

Additional Supports

Increased support for students experiencing barriers to learning, including students with disabilities, living in unstable housing, in foster care, and newcomers.

  • Family Access Network
  • Newcomer language and literacy support
  • Programming for students with mental health needs

How will the levy support educators and support staff?

  • Restore up to 60 classroom and other staff positions in 2024-25
  • Restore up to 120 staff positions in 2025-26
  • Recruitment and retention investments
  • Mentoring, training, career advancement and certification

How will the levy support our community?

  • Graduates are well-educated and prepared for what's next: college, career, military or volunteer service
  • Strong CTE-to-workforce pathways
  • Students have opportunities to live, work and contribute locally

What if the levy does not pass?

  • Up to 180 positions eliminated over the next 2 years
  • Average class sizes increase approximately 4 students per class
  • Limited access to CTE and advanced academic courses
  • Counseling and support services stretched thin
  • 30% reduction in building budgets

Read more about the levy in our April 18 Family Spotlight:

Family Spotlight newsletter, April 18, 2024

Where to find a property's assessed value

Sample Deschutes County property tax statement

(Click image to enlarge.)

Sample property tax statement with assessed value circled in red

Levy Tax Calculator

Estimated Levy Tax: $

Note: Some property owners will be assessed at a rate less than $1 per $1,000 of assessed value if their property taxes are subject to compression. Under tax limits introduced by Measures 5 and 50 in the 1990s, if total education taxes (excluding bonds) exceed the limit, the Local Option Levy may be reduced. This “compression” generally applies to properties for which a smaller gap exists between assessed value and real market value.

Levy Fund Priorities

Maintain Service Levels

  • Class sizes
  • Staff recruitment and retention (saving 180 positions over the next 2 years)

Address Unmet Needs

  • Student support systems
  • Career Technical Education
  • Advanced academic opportunities
  • Elective offerings