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Communication with the Board

The Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors value communication from parents, staff, student, and community members as it helps to guide the work of the Board and Bend-La Pine Schools. The school board is interested in hearing from you. Please use this communications method to send an electronic message to the entire school board, superintendent and deputy superintendent.

The Board of Directors appreciates you taking the time to share you questions, concerns, and ideas. Please know that all members of the Board read every message they receive. The Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors works through the best possible avenue to address each issue; therefore, messages sent to the Board will be discussed at the Board level if appropriate, or forwarded to the best District administrator if that is the appropriate level for resolution.

While individual board email addresses are not withheld from the public, they are not listed on our website. This is intended to encourage the use of the Listening Post so all board members, the superintendent and deputy superintendent uniformly and simultaneously receive comments or concerns from the public. If you prefer email, the board, superintendent and deputy superintendent have this group email address: [email protected]

School Board Listening Post

Contacting Bend-La Pine Schools

Community engagement is a vital part of our school district’s success. Community members who have feedback or concerns for the school district (regarding operations) or school board (regarding policy) are encouraged to contact the person closest to the situation first to have their issue addressed most effectively and efficiently.

Click here to learn of who to contact and how.