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Our School Board

Seven community members make up the Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors. Board members are elected by voters community-wide and represent the entire school district; however, they must reside in one of five zones or be elected as At-Large. Registered voters elect board members for terms of four years. The school board has governance responsibilities in four areas: vision, accountability, policy and advocacy. The school board believes that effective public school education must be directed toward common needs of all children and must also consider the unique differences and needs of individual children.

If you would like to bring positive feedback, questions or concerns to the school board’s attention, there are a variety of ways your voice can be heard. You can attend a school board meeting and share your thoughts during the public comment section of the meeting. You can submit a message to the school board’s Listening Post, which is an electronic communication directly to the full board and superintendent. You can always send a letter to the school board at 520 NW Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, 97703. The school board is committed to open governance and transparent communication that includes listening to stakeholders, students, staff, parents/families and community members.

Community engagement is a vital part of our school district’s success. Community members who have feedback or concerns for the school district (regarding operations) or school board (regarding policy) are encouraged to contact the person closest to the situation first to have their issue addressed most effectively and efficiently.

Bend-La Pine Schools Who to Contact

Board Operating Agreement

The Board of Directors and Superintendent must function as a cohesive leadership team. To ensure unity in purpose and clarity in process, effective group agreements must be in place. The Board of Directors and Superintendent Operational Agreement are the group agreements and expectations for the Bend-La Pine Schools' Board of Directors and Superintendent.

Meet the Board Members

Contact the entire Board of Directors through the Listening Post.

Contact the Board

Submit a message to the school board's Listening Post, which is an electronic communication directly to the full board and superintendent.


Find More Information

To find which precinct you belong to, refer to these maps from Deschutes County elections:

Deschutes County Precincts

City of Bend Precincts.

Board Member Zone & Term Summary

Board Member Zone Map

City of Bend Zone Map

Find board agendas, supplemental information or minutes of board meetings in the District Meetings Library.

Review the District Calendar to find dates and times of upcoming board meetings.