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Excellence & Equity

Pursuing equity requires the removal of barriers and the promotion of inclusive practices so that all students fully benefit.

Bend-La Pine Schools is committed to the principle of equity. Equity supersedes the notion of equality, where all are treated the same. Pursuing equity requires the removal of barriers and the promotion of inclusive practices so that all students fully benefit.

The principle of equity will inform all district policies, regulations, programs, operations, practices, and resource allocations. This webpage includes information about past actions, policy, ongoing efforts and future plans related to excellence and equity.

Bend-La Pine Schools' Equity Stance: Read and Share Your Thoughts

Our community, our nation, and the world are changing quickly, and we as educators need to support our students as we embrace and navigate change together. We believe public education is the foundation of a thriving democracy, molding our collective future. In Bend-La Pine Schools, a culture of equity is our goal. Read our Equity Stance and learn more about our district's values and commitments on this topic and take time to share your thoughts and feedback:

Read the stance by clicking here or on the picture below and use the provided link in the document to share your thoughts.

Equity Stance

Excellence & Equity Review

In 2019-20, Bend-La Pine Schools underwent its first Excellence & Equity Review to dig deep into students' and families' experiences within our schools, with particular focus on those students who had been historically under-served. Based on that extensive review (which can be found on this page), we developed five key strategic initiatives related to equity:

Student/Family/Community Voice

Initiative: Empower student, family, and community voice; strengthen sense of inclusion and belonging for all students and families

Current actions

Bend-La Pine Schools' Equity Coalition: Prior to fall of 2020, Bend-La Pine Schools formed an Equity Coalition with community members, families, students and staff. The group meets monthly throughout the school year to discuss and evaluate the district's current efforts to achieve goals related to Excellence and Equity Strategic Plan. The coalition members will work closely with leaders to help shape decisions involving priorities, actions, budgets and measures to determine progress.

Translation Improvement: Bend-La Pine Schools hired a new full-time Spanish language translator at the district level in fall of 2020 to improve translation speed and quality. This is in addition to the district's continued use of translation services through the High Desert Education Service District.

Future actions

  • Participate in family engagement training at the district level.
  • Create district policy about family engagement.

Safer, Healthier, More Equitable Environments

Initiative: Create safer, healthier, more equitable school environments for students and families from under-served populations

Current Actions

Restorative Practices Training: Leadership teams at all secondary schools are receiving training in restorative practices.

Staff Training on Diversity, Inclusion: Bend-La Pine Schools continues to offer and encourage staff members to receive training in diversity, equity and inclusion, including Taking it Up, Matt Kay training, etc.

Social and Emotional Needs Training: Bend-La Pine Schools is partnering with BRYT to include leadership training in serving students' social and emotional needs as well as combating racism and discrimination.

Culture of Care: The district is working with Culture of Care coaches to promote trauma-informed practices in all schools.

Expanding Spanish Dual Immersion Program: In 2020-21, the Spanish Dual Immersion program expanded into R.E. Jewell Elementary School (beginning with one kindergarten class, which will eventually become one K-5 strand within the school.) Additionally, the existing program expanded to include sophomores.

Future Actions

  • Partner with community organization to provide school coaches in restorative practices.
  • Provide training for staff in how to interrupt and respond to racism and other forms of hatred to cultivate an anti-racist culture.

Curriculum Redesign

Initiative: Review and redesign curriculum to include anti-racism resources and diverse perspectives in all content areas

Current Actions

Creating anti-racist educators: This fall, Bend-La Pine Schools formed a group of educators, called the LEAD team, who are curating anti-racism resources, piloting related curricula, and implementing effective instructional practices. The diverse group of teachers works in collaboration, with hopes of developing successful methods to share with a broader group of educators.

English Language Arts Adoption: This fall, Bend-La Pine Schools begins its English Language Arts adoption process with an emphasis on culturally relevant instructional practices, as well as other highly effective practices to engage all learners.

Future Actions

  • Form elementary teams to create culturally relevant, standards-based social studies units K-5.

Instruction, Assessment Training

Initiative: Focus on core curricula, instruction, and assessment practices that elevate learning for all students, but especially those from under-served populations

Current Actions:

Create Standards of Practice: This summer, Bend-La Pine Schools teachers and leaders created common standards and guidelines for remote and hybrid learning, based on feedback from students, families and staff.

Teaching resources: The district is providing content-area resources for teachers K-12, using Canvas and Google Classroom.

Future Actions:

  • Training administrators in core instructional and assessment practices
  • Develop and train teachers in standards of practice.
  • Adopt aligned curriculum to build knowledge and vocabulary
  • Continue research into most effective instructional practices for English Language Arts
  • Review EBISS process at elementary level

Staff Diversification

Initiative: Diversify staff in all classifications to bring multiple perspectives to our work and to better reflect the student and family demographics of Bend-La Pine Schools

Current Actions:

Human resources changes: Bend-La Pine Schools is looking to restructure Human Resources to focus on developing systems and relationships that attract diverse candidates.

Grow Your Own: Bend-La Pine Schools is implementing a 'Grow your Own' campaign among classified staff interested in certified positions and among certified staff interested in administrative positions.

Future Actions

  • Create affinity groups facilitated by staff to safely address issues and promote retention.

Guiding Principles: Policy and Resolution

The following are Bend-La Pine Schools' Board of Directors' resolutions and district policies:

Excellence & Equity Review - 2019-20

Bend-La Pine Schools’ Excellence & Equity Review is a big swing with a big goal: to gain a deep understanding of students’ and families’ experiences in our schools and to use that information to direct change. We are taking our values of excellence and ensuring they are being applied equitably for all of our students.

The goal is to create a new relevant, rigorous and regularly-occurring process that will allow us to dig deep into the academic, social and emotional experiences of our students, particularly those from historically underserved populations. The goals of the Excellence & Equity Review are to:

  • Empower Student Voice
  • Expand Family Engagement
  • Remove Barriers & Expand Access
  • Eliminate Harassment & Discrimination
Click here to read the full Excellence & Equity Review

Excellence & Equity Review is also available: