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Elementary Instruction

Elementary Teacher and Student

What to Expect in the Classroom

High quality teaching is the number one influence on student learning. Our use of technology allows educators to level the playing field and provide every student with access to resources and the opportunity to develop the skills they need.

There will be times that iPads will be utilized exclusively for a project, times when iPad will blend with traditional methods and times when the iPad is not used at all. The goal is to provide students with a balanced assortment of learning options that best enhances their education.

At each level - elementary, middle, and high - technology is used and relied upon in different ways depending on the class, the assignment, or the learning goal.

Our Elementary Schools

Bend-La Pine Schools includes 16 K-5 elementary schools, two K-8 schools and two charter schools. These schools serve approximately 8,000 students. About 1,100 kindergarteners enroll in our schools each year. Bend-La Pine Schools also strives for lower K-2 class sizes and provides additional academic support for students who need it.

Below are just some of the ways iPads and other technologies might be utilized to enhance learning in our classrooms.

Reading - Starting in third grade, students will begin interacting with digital texts along with traditional text. During reading instruction, students will use the Wonders digital curriculum that includes enhanced digital methods for interacting with the text including the ability to highlight, search key terms, adjust font sizes, copy and paste and have the text read aloud. Students can also download digital books from our online library to their iPad. Interaction with digital content does not replace interaction with traditional texts, but instead enhances instruction and provides more resources for teachers.

Writing - Beginning at the elementary level, students are introduced to Google Docs. This word processing tool allows students to collaborate and receive feedback with their teacher and with classmates. Students can also access their Google Doc files from any device at any location.

Math - In addition to having access to different online math tools, students might also use an app to demonstrate their understanding of math concepts. Students will have access to a digital math program that supports and aligns with our Bridges math curriculum.

Coding and Computer Science - Elementary students are introduced to coding. Coding helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path.

Common Core State Standards

The elementary school core curriculum focuses on the basics of reading, speaking, listening, language, writing, math, science, and social studies. Our elementary schools also provide instruction in music and physical education. Our schools follow the Common Core State Standards. Learn more about the standards:

Focus on Literacy: A Reading Initiative for Young Learners

Reading lays the groundwork for every subject a child will study in school. Bend-La Pine Schools is committed to ensuring that every student is able to read at grade level by third grade. Giving young readers the best start possible will provide a strong foundation for their entire educational careers.

Elementary Instruction

The elementary school core curriculum focuses on the basics of reading, speaking, listening, language, writing, math, science, health, social studies, handwriting, art, physical education, music, media, and computer skills. Literacy instruction is a critical part of every elementary student’s growth, so principals and teachers are encouraged to structure the school day so that literacy instruction is not interrupted. Bend-La Pine Schools also strives for lower K-2 class sizes and provides additional academic support for students who need it.

Our Curriculum

Bend-La Pine Schools uses the following adopted materials as the foundation for our core instruction in English Language Arts and math.

The district's elementary schools use the following materials:

School Design Plans

All of our schools have developed School Design Plans to establish goals and help our students achieve academic excellence, become thriving citizens and develop future ready skills. Each school has a unique plan tailored to its community, culture and story.

Contact local schools to learn more about their stories and School Design Plans.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Our elementary schools offer the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to establish positive school cultures. This is a framework that schools can tailor to meet the needs of their communities to help create safe, positive and caring school cultures.

Contact schools for specifics about the programs offered.

Choice Options

Families have options for education within our district. Bend-La Pine Schools includes several choice options at the elementary level including:

Amity Creek Magnet at Thompson School — Child initiated learning magnet
Bear Creek Elementary School — Dual immersion Spanish language program
Bend International School — Internationally-focused K-8 charter
Buckingham Elementary School — Science Technology Engineering and Math focus
Elk Meadow Elementary School — Integrated arts focus
Highland Magnet at Kenwood School — Scottish Storyline magnet
Juniper Elementary School — Instructional technology magnet
Westside Village Magnet at Kingston School — Thematic, project based learning magnet

School Report Card

Each year the Oregon Department of Education provides a Report Card for our district and individual schools.

Incoming Kindergarteners

To register for kindergarten, students must be 5 prior to Sept. 1, 2023. To register, bring proof of age, proof of address and current immunization records.

Learn more about kindergarten registration and enroll today.

Bend-La Pine Schools strives for lower K-2 class sizes and provides additional academic support for students who need it.