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Talented and Gifted (TAG)

Each school in the district has the obligation to meet TAG students’ rate and level of learning, whether through individual plans or curriculum modifications.


Talented and Gifted Education is “needs-based” instructional programming for which a student should be identified to receive services.

This population of students demonstrates exceptional performance when compared to applicable development or learning progressions with consideration given for variations in student’s opportunities to learn and to culturally relevant indicators of ability.

Oregon TAG Law

As of Spring of 2023, the Oregon Department of Education requires every district to have a district TAG Plan. This is the Bend-La Pine Schools Plan for Talented and Gifted Education.

If you think your child is gifted, or want to learn more about it, check out the resources for parents on the ODE's TAG page, the Oregon Association for Talented and Gifted and the National Association for Gifted Children.

Bend-La Pine Schools Options

Each and every one of our schools serves students identified as TAG. However, we provide an additional choice for families of students grades 4-8, if desired.

  1. Juniper Elementary offers self-contained TAG classes for 4th and 5th graders; and
  2. Cascade Middle School offers TAG humanities classes for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

Juniper Elementary

Juniper Elementary School Talented and Gifted (TAG) program and Technology Magnet elementary school.
Address: 1300 NE Norton Ave

Cascade Middle School

Cascade Middle School Talented and Gifted (TAG) program and local boundary middle school.
Address: 19619 Mountaineer Way


If a family chooses to attend either Juniper Elementary or Cascade Middle School TAG programs there is transportation available to them.

  • If the student resides in the boundary of either school they will ride their regular route to school.
  • If the student lives outside of the school boundaries, MIT bus routes are available.

Enrollment Process

If a parent wishes to enroll their TAG-identified student into either Juniper Elementary or Cascade Middle they will need to complete an Area Change Request.

TAG Information Night

Cascade Middle School

  • 2025-26 date TBA
    Incoming current 5th Graders ONLY

Juniper Elementary School

  • 2025-26 date TBA
    Incoming 4th and 5th Grade Families Only