In addition to attending their neighborhood schools, families of Bend-La Pine Schools elementary students have several options for their K-5 education. Below are the schools and programs that are open to BLS K-5 students. Spots in the programs are available via the annual lottery, which this year will run in January 2024 (see more information).
Entry into the Choice Options lottery, Dual Immersion lottery, and Area
Change Request all require a current enrollment into Bend-La Pine
Schools for the school year requested.
2024-2025 Choice Options Lottery, Kindergarten Dual Immersion
& Priority ACR Window
Grades 1 - 5: Open for waitlist entries
Kindergarten & Dual Immersion: Open for waitlist entries
A current enrollment into Bend-La Pine Schools for the school year requested is required.
Juniper Elementary offers self-contained TAG classes for 4th and 5th graders. Only students that have been identified as Talented and Gifted through pre-established identification procedures and criteria are eligible to apply for an Area Change Request to attend Juniper Elementary School under the TAG program.