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Career Technical Education Programs

Pathways to Success

What is CTE? Our hands-on, engaging Career Technical Education programs help students develop skills and discover pathways to careers they will love. Students enrolled in these courses are on track for high-skill, high-wage, high-demand careers, from health science and forestry to construction and automotive.

By the Numbers

  • Bend-La Pine has 34 CTE programs across seven high school sites.
  • Three out of four high school students participate in CTE in their high school career.
  • The graduation rate for students who earned 0.5 credits in CTE was 90.2% and 93.6% for those who earned 3.0 credits in a CTE program of study.
  • 12 of our programs offer industry certification.
  • Nine of our programs offer college credit.

Bend High School Logo

Bend Senior High School Programs:

Automotive, Business, Construction, Culinary, Education, Engineering, Graphic Design and Media

Bend Tech Academy Logo

Bend Tech Academy Programs:

Business, Construction, Engineering, Health Science

Caldera High School Logo

Caldera High School Programs:

Business, Computer Science, Construction, Engineering, Graphic Design and Media, Health Science

La Pine High School Logo

La Pine High School Programs:

Business, Criminal Justice, Forestry/Natural Resources, Manufacturing Technology

Mountain View High School Logo

Mountain View High School Programs:

Agriculture, Automotive, Business, Construction, Criminal Justice, Culinary, Engineering, Graphic Design and Media

Realms High School Logo

Realms High School Programs:


Summit High School Logo

Summit High School Programs:

Computer Science, Engineering, Graphic Design and Media, Manufacturing Technology

"In the past decade, Bend-La Pine Schools supported expansion to grow CTE program options in our high schools, as local industries, families, students and colleges understand the value of students gaining hands-on, real-world experience through these programs."

- Dr. Steve Cook, Superintendent