Buckingham supports all students with researched based curriculum in all academic content areas approved by our district. We support students by offering small group intervention groups. Our staff develops individual plans for talented and gifted students to support growth at every level. Our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education provides opportunities and access for all students to engage in project based learning with their peers. Students are challenged to become engaged problem solvers with real life design challenges. Our staff is continuing to develop field based learning experiences to enrich and deepen knowledge.We have a School Design Plan to increase the hope and engagement through teaching our students, parents, and staff about how to practicing a growth mindset. We are also diving deeper into critical thinking and problem solving in mathematics as well as, increasing skills in collaboration in our STEM learning.
Individually Focused. Committed to All.
When Bend-La Pine Schools students graduate, they should come equipped to do the following:
Persevere when faced with challenges
Value and exercise creativity
Discover how critical thinking skills are used across disciplines
Become a functioning member of a team
Exercise effective communication and presentation skills
Understand the importance of taking initiative
Learn about various aspects of leadership and develop those skills
Adapt and problem solve
Manage time and create a plan for accomplishing a task or goal