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Attendance Area Review for Rosland and La Pine Elementary Schools, Spring 2024

side by side photos of entrances to La Pine Elementary School and Rosland Elementary School


To balance enrollment across Rosland and La Pine Elementary Schools so that both schools have room for growth.


  • Develop recommendations to the superintendent for new attendance areas for Rosland Elementary and La Pine Elementary.
  • Include in these recommendations strategies for implementation of new attendance areas.


In Bend-La Pine Schools, attendance area recommendations shall include consideration of the following:

  • Balanced enrollment
  • Student safety
  • Feeder school alignment
  • Family and community connections
  • Natural geographic, physical, and traffic boundaries
  • Long-term district needs
  • Socioeconomic balance
  • Efficient, safe transportation, including safe walking routes
  • Educational disruptions for students

PROCESS UPDATE - April 22, 2024

The committee met to review and consider all of the feedback and suggestions that families and community members provided related to the first three map ideas. Using this feedback, the team created a new map for families to review and consider. This map made adjustments to reduce the number of families affected, ensure those attending and living closest to Rosland can continue to attend, and maintain transportation efficiency for families that rely on the bus system.

This map also includes information about the way in which Area Change Requests would be considered for the 2024-2025 school year if chosen. This map, and the survey for this map, will be available for comment until Sunday, May 5.

Area Change Request details:

Families who would like to attend a school outside of their boundary school may submit an Area Change Request (ACR) to be considered. Using the proposed scenario above, students who will be 5th graders during the 2024-2025 school year will be automatically approved for an ACR if they choose. Siblings of these students will also automatically be granted an ACR for one year to attend the school of their sibling. Due to limited routes, transportation is not provided for families who choose to submit an ACR. All other ACR requests are granted based on space available.

During the first week in May, the boundary committee will meet again to consider all the feedback and suggestions with a goal to move forward with a recommendation to the board before the end of May.

Proposed Scenario #2b - Click to view a larger version of the map

Proposed Boundary Area #2

La Pine Elementary Attendance Area Review SURVEY

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this process necessary?

Rosland is currently at capacity. In fact, last year the school had to have a classroom in the music room due to overcrowding. Meanwhile, La Pine Elementary has several classroom spaces available.

The goal of this process is to shift 50-70 current/future Rosland attendance-area students to La Pine Elementary.

Why doesn’t the district just put portable classrooms at Rosland or build out the other two wings at the school?

Purchasing and setting up a portable classroom costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, portable classrooms often take months to find and then situate on site.

When Rosland was designed and built, it was done with the idea that the district could add two other wings if needed, essentially doubling the classroom space. However, this project will cost over $10 million, so it must be part of a future bond measure.

We recognize that changing attendance areas will impact some families. The committee is working to minimize the number of students and families that are impacted by this change while utilizing space available at La Pine Elementary. In the La Pine community, the good news is that there is a single middle school and high school, so that all students of similar ages attend the same school.

What does the district consider when making a recommendation to change attendance areas?

For all attendance area processes, the district includes consideration of the following factors:

  • Balanced enrollment
  • Student safety
  • Feeder school alignment
  • Family and community connections
  • Natural geographic, physical, and traffic boundaries
  • Long-term district needs
  • Socioeconomic balance
  • Efficient, safe transportation, including safe walking routes
  • Educational disruptions for student

What is the process for making the changes?

The district formed an attendance area review committee, composed of staff and parents from both Rosland and La Pine Elementary, as well as district staff. This team has been charged with making a recommendation to the superintendent by the end of May, 2024. After the superintendent makes the final decision, all impacted families will be notified.

How can I have input in this process?

Families can review the proposed changes April 10th and 11th at Rosland and La Pine Elementary during conferences, or they can see this information on the District’s website. After reviewing the suggested changes, you may provide feedback using the survey found by scanning the QR code below. The survey will be open until April 17th.

Will students who are currently attending Rosland or La Pine Elementary be able to stay at their schools?

The committee will make a recommendation to the superintendent about allowing “area change requests (ACR)” from students who are impacted by the attendance area changes. ACR’s could allow a student to remain at their current school. In the past, these recommendations have involved only a single grade level, such as incoming fifth graders. The superintendent will make a final decision regarding this issue.

Families of students who are granted ACR’s will NOT have access to busing; they need to provide their own transportation.


February - May:

Committee work


Community forums during family conferences April 10-11


Recommendation to the Superintendent; finalized attendance areas shared with the community to go into effect Fall 2024


The Attendance Area Review Committee includes 13 members who are parents, community members, business leaders and staff.


The committee’s primary charge is to balance enrollment across all neighborhood schools. For the process, the school board and the attendance area review committee have also established the following priorities:

  • Safe biking and walking routes to schools
  • Natural, geographic, physical, and traffic considerations related to car and bus travel
  • Socio-economic balance and demographic equity, including race
  • Family connections to neighborhood schools


  • The district will establish an attendance area recommendation committee, including representation from those affected by the attendance areas under consideration.
  • The committee will include parents, community members, staff members, and technical advisors.
  • A staff resource group will meet between committee meetings to provide support to the committee and analyze proposals under consideration.
  • The committee will host community forums in April to gather feedback on proposals. The committee will use this feedback in crafting its final recommendation to the superintendent.