PRESS RELEASE: Student enrollment in Bend-La Pine Schools increased by 341 students this year to 18,375. Enrollment has increased dramatically in the past five years — up 1,775 students since 2012. ... (more)
PRESS RELEASE: October 2, all dayBlue Shirt DayRosland Elementary School and Three Rivers School will celebrate World Day of Bullying Prevention and encourage students to wear blue shirts in support o... (more)
Students Also Took Nearly 1,500 AP Exams in 26 Subjects
Sep 26, 2017
Press Release: Bend-La Pine Schools students taking the SAT exams during 2016-17 scored higher than peers in the state and nation, according to results released from the College Board today. Students ... (more)
Press Release: Members of the public are invited to offer feedback about Bend-La Pine Schools’ plans for two small high school options that will expand choices for student learning and help to tempo... (more)
NOTE: Daily athletic cancellations and changes will be posted at the bottom of this article
Sept. 5 UpdateAs we look forward to having a majority of our students back in school tomorrow, we wanted to... (more)