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Bend Tech Academy

Blue banner reading Academic Overview and image of group of high school kids posing for photo, outside in red t-shirts

A Comprehensive High School with a CTE Focus

Bend Tech Academy is a comprehensive high school, offering a complete college-preparatory curriculum. What makes our school unique is the focus on Career & Technical Education programs, designed to provide students with experiences that will prepare them for a career in their related field of study. Our CTE courses are taught by experienced teachers who have also worked in a related industry. Our goal is for every student to graduate with strong academic and working knowledge in their chosen field, including job shadow and internship opportunities with local businesses.

You can look at all courses currently offered by Bend Tech Academy in our curriculum guides:

2024-25 Curriculum Guide

2025-26 Curriculum Guide - English

2025-26 Guíra de Currículo - español

Check out our BTA Handbook for more information

BTA Academic Preparedness for All Grades

BTA is on a trimester schedule, with 3 trimesters each year. Each trimester students may take up to 5 classes. All students will be enrolled in their core classes required for graduation, and will have the opportunity to explore some of the many CTE and elective course offerings each trimester.

In 9th and 10th grade, students are expected to take 5 classes each trimester, and the ability to earn up to 7.5 credits at the end of each year. A sample 9th grade schedule is below:

At the 11th grade year, students who are on track to graduate have the option to take an early release or late arrival period as part of their schedule. Students who want to participate in athletics, theatre or choir at their area school must take at least 4 classes during the trimester before and during their season to remain eligible.

BTA 12th grade students take a required Careers class where they prepare for their post-high school plans. Students explore career and college options, creating resumes, applying for jobs, completing college applications and explore scholarship and financial aid opportunities. In addition, 12th grade students will have the opportunity to explore job shadow and internships with local industry leaders in their CTE are of focus.

College Coursework Opportunities

BTA students have opportunities to earn college credit in most content areas through Klamath Community College and Central Oregon Community College. In addition, juniors and seniors of good standing may enroll in COCC Expanded Options program and take college courses. Advanced placement courses in language arts are also available to students.

Online Coursework

BTA offers a selection of online courses through BLSonline. Online courses are primarily used to support students in Credit Recovery or Enrichment Opportunities. There are several elective courses that allow students to further explore the 4 CTE Academies, such as Medical Terminology (Medical/ Health) and Cartography (STEM/ Engineering). Credit Recovery and GED preparatory courses are also available to support student success.

Future Readiness

In addition to our strong academic focus, we have a robust college and career readiness program to ensure post-secondary success through initiatives like Aspire, and ECMC. Our Future Center office works hand in hand with our academies to bring in community partners to develop success skills and introduce internships and real world projects to learning. Learn more about our Future Center here: Future Center

Our Goal is that Every student who graduates from Bend Tech Academy will leave with a sense of pride and an individualized 4-year personal plan and profile that will set them up for future success. Our academies are meticulously planned to reflect industries that offer high wage, high skill, high demand jobs.

"I chose BTA because it is smaller and there are less students. Teachers are more interactive with students and have more one-on-one time. Everyone knows everyone and it is a safe community. "

- Patrick, Class of 2024

Bend-La Pine Schools does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other status protected by law. Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses are available to all students. The District will take steps to ensure language will not be a barrier to admission and participation in CTE programs.

View our non-discrimination policy and complaint procedure. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the district’s non-discrimination policy: Title II Coordinator: Executive Director of Student Services, 520 NW Wall Street, Bend OR (541-355-1060 or [email protected]) Title VI Coordinator: Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 520 NW Wall Street, Bend OR (541-355-1060 or [email protected]) Title IX Coordinator: Human Resources Director, 520 NW Wall Street, Bend OR (541-355-1100 or [email protected]) 504 Coordinator: Assistant Director of Special Education, 520 NW Wall Street, Bend OR (541-355-1060 or [email protected]).