Bend Senior High School
College Application Season is here!
The whats, whys and whens of the 2- and 4-year college-bound process are more complex than ever. To provide some guidance and insight, the BSH Future Center and Counselors are hosting an “all-you-need-to-know” webinar -- live via Microsoft Teams -- for BSH seniors and their families.
The live session will take place at 6pm on Thursday, September 28th. The event will be taking place in Anita Moore’s (BSH Future Center) Teams’ room which you can access HERE.
Navigating College Options + Applications will provide a broad overview of the necessary steps for a senior who wants to attend a 2- or 4-year college. Our goal is to give you the info and requirements and timing and tools to help students get into the best-fit college for them.
More specifically, the presentation includes:
-- Timing and key benchmarks in the process (entrance exams, exploration, applications)
-- The differences between public and private universities, 4-year and 2-year colleges
-- How 2-year community college transfers and dual-enrollment works
-- To what kind and how many colleges to apply
-- What goes into an application
-- High school, student and parent roles in the process
Whether you are definitely planning on applying to college or you are still deciding, this information can be just the jump start you need!
Future Center is Open! We encourage all students – especially seniors –
to reach out to Anita Moore and/or Theresa Quade as they are sorting
through college options and applications. Students can make an
appointment by clicking here.