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Bend-La Pine Schools Online

Middle School Program Overview

Students at Creek

Middle School Grades 6-8 Overview

For over a decade, 6th-8th graders have been able to access Bend-La Pine Schools Online for independent online classes that they can complete during a semester, at a time and place that suits their needs. Our dedicated teachers and support staff enjoy getting to know the students they work with and helping them create learning plans to build confidence and lead to success.

All 6th-12th grade courses will use the K12 (formerly Peak) curriculum and be taught using the K12 Learning Management System.

Bend-La Pine Schools Online academic program for grades 6–8 includes core content courses as well as a variety of middle school electives.

Students in grade 8 may also take approved online high school elective courses (one per semester). Once the student is in high school, families may choose to work with the Bend-La Pine neighborhood high school their child attends to get these courses added to their high school transcript and applied toward graduation requirements.

Guidelines and options for 8th graders taking high school classes:

High school courses for 8th grade students

Middle School complete Course list:

2024-2025 Middle School Course List

Application for High School Transcript Credit

Please complete this form and bring it to your high school counselor if you want online classes from 8th grade transcribed onto your high school record.

Customizable Schooling Options

Bend-La Pine Schools Online can be used alone or in any combination with a Bend-La Pine middle school, including the following:

  • Attend school part time + take online courses
  • Not attend school at all, take 1 or more online courses instead