Bend-La Pine Schools Online
Bend-La Pine Schools Online serves thousands of students in grades 9-12 every year, with schedules varying from just one course to a full-time online schedule. Our high school program is wrapped with counseling, support, and online tools to help students identify their goals, chart their own paths, and enjoy their journeys. We work closely with guidance counselors from neighborhood schools to make sure students are taking the courses that they need to meet their needs and achieve their goals.
Bend-La Pine Schools Online offers math, English, science, and history courses in multiple levels—Core, Comprehensive, and college-level Advanced Placement (AP), plus Credit Recovery options—to meet the needs of diverse learners.
Students can also take up to four years of a world language, including AP, and choose from more than 50 widely varied electives such as Anthropology, Computer Sciences, Forestry, Veterinary Science, Sports Marketing and more.
All 6th-12th grade courses will use the K12 (formerly Peak) curriculum and be taught using the K12 Learning Management System.
Please use the link below to browse courses that are available online for Bend-La Pine Students:
2024-25 High School Course List
Please complete this form and bring it to your high school counselor (mostly used by students who have high school coursework they completed in middle school).