Parents are Encouraged to Volunteer -- Find Out How!
Feb 03, 2016
Our school welcomes volunteers. Parents, caregivers and community members help in classrooms, with office staff and school-wide events. We would love to talk with you about opportunities at Bear Creek... (more)
More than 300 Pieces of Award-Winning Art on Display at COCC Feb. 6-24
Jan 27, 2016
Local Art Students Honored by Scholastic Public invited to see more than 300 award-winning works beginning Feb. 6 Four Bend-La Pine Schools art students have earned the top honors in the local S... (more)
Update: Positions filledBend-La Pine Schools Seeks Budget Committee Members Applications for the volunteer spots due Jan. 29 Bend-La Pine Schools is looking for interested volunteers to join the... (more)
Thank you for all you do to help Bend-La Pine SchoolsJanuary is School Board Appreciation Month and we want to take a moment to say "Thank you" to our hard working board members. We are served by seve... (more)