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Bear Creek Elementary School


ODE State Test Opt Out

Article Date: Dec 11, 2017

State Testing:

We plan to assess students grades 3, 4, and 5 end of April and May this year. The Smarter Balanced (SBAC) test results provide teachers and principals with a tool to evaluate teaching and learning in our schools and to compare our growth against state and national results. It also is a valuable tool for parents to compare their student’s progress with expected benchmarks over time.

We support parental choice and encourage families to participate in this, Oregon’s only, statewide test. We hope to have all of our students participate in these tests, however it is the parent's right to Opt Out of state testing if they do not wish for their student to participate. If you would like to have your student Opt Out of state testing, the forms are available in the front office or click on You can also contact your student’s teacher to send the form home. These forms are due to the office by February 1, 2018.