Thank you to our school counselors for all they do to help our students! During National School Counseling Week, Bend-La Pine Schools honors the contributions school counselors make to our students an... (more)
February 2, 7 to 8:15 p.m.Anxiety and Suicide Panel Discussion at Pacific Crest Middle SchoolCommunity members and families are invited to attend a panel discussion about adolescent anxiety, depressio... (more)
DATE CHANGES: Students WILL attend school on February 3. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 10.The semester will be extended by one week. This is a calendar change to allow for the recovery o... (more)
The graduation rate for students in Bend-La Pine Schools continues to outpace the graduation rate of students statewide, according to information released by the Oregon Department of Education today. ... (more)
Update: Summary of Board Interest Meeting that took place Feb. 2Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a member of the school board? Bend-La Pine Schools’ Board of Directors members will host... (more)